We apologize in advance for the briefness of this month's Notes. These have been taxing times, SELEDAns, and we are exhausted. In an unusual fit of "democracy fever" we trekked to Florida to appoint ourselves ye irgo zinb ballot counters. And all was going well until some toothless Qei anGet started to raise a stinker about our aQoTaTer… Whhhaaat?? A'nd lenenesu… Hulet leNa… A'nd lenesu… Smint leNa… M'rarrqi sost leNa.. ere lijoch alun… OK… aaaa'and lEla m'rraqi InnndaE!… a'nd imma yaTalal… Right? Noooooo. Apparently that's a felony. Ay ferenj… So we came back home quite dejected, our civic duty a'hack entuffed at, and upper management Qorenti CHeb'Tew that no one was in the office to sign for the kesel mandejjia they had DHL-ed in from Harer. Oh, well. Dehna wulachiu sitabeQu new, SELEDAwiyan? Welcome to the Humor issue! Forget about perfect weather and CHereQa yemeselE hzb! We are convinced that what makes us Ethiopians Ethiopian is that unique sense of humor that would mefjet less stellar peoples. Zmmmmm new. Who was it that said that the ability to laugh at oneself is the first sign of healing? (…It was either Georg Hegel or Teacher Alemayehu after he malass-ed us with the thirty-third kalcho of the day….No matter.) Our writers have recalled stories, recounted anecdotes, and woven literary yarns laced with that special Qmem for you. We hope you enjoy… As always, we extend a stout "indiyaw mn yishalenals" to our writers who… who… Nu esti tesamu… emmmppphooowwaaaa! We don't know what vagary of life/freak coincidence made it possible for us to share air with these kinds of people, but we are in complete awe. Teynks, inante! So, what is new at SELEDA? … … … You have to excuse us… every time we think of our Florida atakara … b'liCH yilib'nal! Ehhhhhhhhhh, ahoon ballot le wedaj memere'Q… esti man'n gedelE ? Where were we…? SELEDA.. new… oh, yes. You will notice that our computer shaleQas have yet again come with gizmos that make us feel like a million dollars and several santims. So bawled were we by their connivance, that they were quickly promoted to Web Dejazmatchs… we didn't need no weasly ballots to do that, neither! (inni…minni…miney…) We have finally been browbeaten into accepting that we have to start 'interactivitateing' SELEDA. Since we can't get into discussing this subject without declaring inifadahs on each other, we are appealing to our readers to help us on what you think is the best way to metaTeff onto Interactivity Menged. Send us your m'hur gmgemas to our editors@seleda.com address. What else? January will be our Literature issue, and we will be accepting submissions until December 15th. So get pen to paper, fingers to keyboard and chalk to selEda. We are looking for short works of fictions, memoirs of books that impacted you, essays on your love of books, recollections of stories your grandfather told you, authors who opened your eyes, folklore you grew up on… wezete… gini-qulqwal. Igzihaber yadrsen inna, February will be our second Love issue, back by popular demand. Ay, ye lab'un neger tewut…We are also accepting articles for that tangy issue, so if you need to kiss and tell, we are yer peeps. For details on submission guidelines and payment (qeldun tewut!) go to Hamsa Lomi. Other than that, we hope to hear your take on our Humor issue. And, please, don't be shy. Meshkormem yet aderessen? Until we see you in January, ij nestenalv. Be CHer yigTemen. The Humble Editors editors@seleda.com.