Life Diaries....


We hope enough of you have sufficiently recovered from the whirlwind tour Life Diaries took you on last time… enough so that you are able to revisit this forum without fear of getting cyber-whiplashed. E-huh, 16th century. E-huh, 20th century… Kezia demo ejachinin enkw'a sanitaTeb… teshkerkiro 2045 lie gub malet! Endet y'honal tadia?

Luckily, our September Diarists have proven thenselves to have a firm grasp on the present, and have assured us of much by satisfactorily, albeit a tad circumspectly, answering all of our "screening questions". (The "screening questions" being those hastily instated by jetlagged SELEDA gatekeepers to help filter out those who might harbor medieval history complexes, or those who might suffer from being frightfully disconnected to the present.) It's a little thing we here at SELEDA call… reality check… although, coming from people like us who have very… hmm, opaque senses of reality, this might all seem very lifa yalew qoda-ish.)

But, as always, we digress.

SELEDA is extremely honored to welcome Sergut, a program manager at an international aid agency in Washington DC, and Biruk, a software engineer in Boston, to Life Diaries. They are very much 20th century bound (the most they venture out is to the 80s, but don't we all?), and happily exchange dialogue on life, work, dreams, goals… and all other stuff that's fit to print.