SELEDA Ethiopia


Editors' Note
The Mail
My Story
Lost in Boston
Ode to 18th St
Life Diaries
Mining Assella
Bar X
First Mayor
Hullé Ehud
Top Ten
City Love
The Right Thing

Beginning with this issue of Seleda, the Do the Right Thing column will feature (in addition to famine relief organizations), various NGO's in Ethiopia that are providing valuable social and economic services to some of the most disadvantaged sectors of the population in Ethiopia (i.e the vast majority of the population). Our goal is not only to publicize the noble efforts of these organizations, but also to make it easier for you, our readers, to "do the right thing" and support these groups (send them money is what we mean). Of course, for each organization we feature, we will also provide a brief background and, wherever possible, a link to their web page. This will hopefully persuade you that these groups are indeed noble and upstanding organizations with little to no connections to the shady Seleda Mafia.

Okay, now that we have clarified things, this month we start by featuring three organizations that have been doing some amazing work in Ethiopia.

The Integrated Holistic Approach - Urban Development Project (IHA-UDP) is focused on improving conditions in the poorest Qebeles of Addis Abeba. The Fistula Hospital in Addis Ababa provides free care and treatment for poor women to treat and prevent childbirth injuries. The Getachew Bolodia Foundation provides fellowships to needy students to study science at the Addis Ababa University. Three organizations providing invaluable assistance in three different areas.

Here is some background information on each:

Name of Organization Description How you can help
IHA-UDP This group picks up where the Norwegian organization Redd Barna left off in improving living conditions in the poorest Qebeles of Addis Ababa. They are involved in 1- physical upgrades (building and repairing houses and public latrines, roads, alleys) 2- community development (job creation, education, correction and rehabilitation) 3- health education, control of communicable diseases, immunization, and first aid services). So far, there have been approximately 42,000 beneficiaries of this project. The new project area is Qebele08 in woreda23. There is a DC chapter of IHA-UDP that is currently being formed to support the goals of IHA-UDP in Ethiopia. Information available on the IHA-UDP web page (

Or contact

The Project Coordinator
P.O.BOX 6889
Addis Abeba, Ethiopia 
Tel:15-63-75 /15-18-45 

Addis Abeba Fistula Hospital

Founded in 1975 by Drs Reginald and Catherine Hamlin, this hospital has been providing free care and treatment to over 1,000 poor women every year to treat and prevent fistula, childbirth injuries. The hospital receives some funding from World Vision and the Hamlin Churchill Childbirth Injuries Fund but needs additional support in order to continue providing this invaluable service. The hospital is a registered charitable organization in Addis Abeba

The American Friends Foundation for Childbirth Injuries was formed in June 2000 to ensure the survival of this hospital. The foundation has an "adoption" program by which donors can directly sponsor the treatment of a woman at the hospital, or an "endowment" program for donating to an endowment fund

For more information download the following letter

Or contact:

The American Friends Foundation for Childbirth Injuries

1307 S. Mary Avenue Suite 205

Sunnyvale, CA 94087

(408) 720 - 0433

Getachew Bolodia Foundation

Their web page says it all, The Getachew Bolodia Foundation (GBF), a non-political, non-profit making body, was established in 1994 in memory of Dr Getachew Bolodia, who was Associate Professor of Biochemistry in the Faculty of Medicine.

The Foundation is devoted to the promotion of higher education and research in Ethiopia. It supports in particular, gifted and deserving university students through offering fellowship in biology, chemistry and medicine. GBF also aspires to promote the development of science in Ethiopia by organizing seminars, workshops and lectures"

The foundation sponsors needy and deserving students by providing them a pocket allowance to help them meet their personal expenses. It has also sponsored exchange programs for GBF fellows between the Faculty of Medicine at AAU and the Gonder College of Medical Sciences.

GBF also regularly sponsors lectures and workshops to encourage the dissemination of scientific knowledge.

GBF depends on membership fees and donations in order to support it's programs. Membership fees are $60 per year for full membership, $500 for lifetime membership or $5,000 for corporate membership.

For more information refer to their web page at

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