A Web Site For The Young Ethiopian Professional.

    Volume II   Issue III

Sunday March 9 2025

Nine months of being testy…36 hours of labor… countless days shopping at God-awful FAO Schwatz, and then, here comes your bundle of joy. Name? Ethiopian or ferenji? Modern or traditional? Is Shewa-Erkabish too… hmm, torturous? Is Suzy too "ere yemanat?"

We at SELEDA, public servants that we are, have a few variations of one of our favorite names, Sara, that you should maybe think twice about. Apologizing profusely and well in advance to anyone named Sara, here is a short list (in no particular order) of some last names that should not go with Sara…(Disclaimer: The Editors emphasize with emphatic emphasis that all of the following are fictitious, and any resemblance to any (poor unfortunate) living or dead Sara is purely accidental.)

Sara Nega
Sara Aberra
Sara Dubal
Sara Abebe
Sara Dessalegn
Sara Bogale
Sara Assegahegn
Sara Desta
Sara Baykedagn
Sara Alemayehu
Sara AsnaQe
Sara Eskedar Taye
Sara Temesgen
Sara Bezabih
Sara CHaka
Sara Tilahun
Sara Beimnet
Sara Mebratu
Sara Molla
Sara Tsega
Sara Assebe
Sara Zerihun
Sara Ayele
Sara Zelalem
Sara Semunegus


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