A Web Site For The Young Ethiopian Professional.     Volume II   Issue II
Sunday March 9 2025


We at SELEDA have more free time than should be legal or healthy, so, very often, our minds go wondering where no mind should. Once, we sat around discussing the meaning of aTmit and aTmit by-products in modern Ethiopian society until even the most verbose among us went QuaQ.

Occasionally, salient ideas float by us (the last one logged in on November 9, 1989 at 4:23 a.m.), and we feel justified at renewing our license to SELEDify.

We are proud of our latest brainstorm—putting two Ethiopians from different continents together and letting them loose on the nuances of their milieu. Yep. The Ginko Baloba thing-a-ma-boob we have been megat-ing has finally yielded something other than panic attacks and excessive gas.

And so…

We present this month's Life Diarists: London versus Washington D.C. May the best displaced, disillusioned and disowned Ethiopian win.