A Web Site For The Young Ethiopian Professional.
Volume II Issue II
Sunday March 9 2025
Table of Contents
Note from the Editors:
You would think we actually have something to say: updates, non-news and meandering
The Mail:
One word: Ha!
Inen Yabiregn…:
Looking forward into our past and looking back at our future.
My Story:
A son remembers his father's contribution to Ethiopian history.
The SELEDA Profile:
Dr. Ephraim Issac on the
Fidel Serawit.
Life Diaries:
The Washington DC versus the London Ethiopian Diaspora. And the winner is...
How many first days of your life can you get?
Gilding on the Goblet:
A writer imagines
’s last moment with his father and his first moment with her.
Who said history is just about kings, dates and battles?
The SELEDA Top Ten:
Need summer reading? Hankering for new books? SELEDA's must miss list.
Not every Ethiopian wakes up groggy at noon on Sundays.
The SELEDA Backpage:
Do The Right Thing:
What else is there to say?
The Comment Center:
All you ever wanted to say if you had a bigger thesaurus.
All the SELEDA past that haunts us.