A Web Site For The Young Ethiopian Professional.     Volume II   Issue II
Sunday March 9 2025

          Following is a summary of organizations involved in famine relief in Ethiopia. Although the list may not be exhaustive, we have tried to include most of the major organizations that currently have tangible projects in famine relief. We have also included a description of their current work in Ethiopia and how you can make a donation. This information was extracted from the web pages of the organizations themselves. Whenever possible we have tried to include information on the percentage of funds these organizations spend on projects as opposed to administrative and other expenses. The Consumer Digest Online was a particularly useful guide in providing this information. A recently published review "Which Charities Are The Most Charitable"on their web page has some CSR ratings (charitable spending ratio = program spending/charities' total expense) for some of the organizations on our list. It also has a letter grade rating. " Letter grades ( A- to A+) from the American Institute of Philanthropy (AIP), are comprehensive grades of all expense and spending evaluations. Source: AIP and Consumers Digest". We have included the CSR and letter grade whenever available. The Consumer Digest has received some criticism from some of these organizations for the way they computed their ratings. None the less it is one of the few guidelines we have on charitable organizations. We recommend you visit their web page to read the article (and the feedback) in full.

          That said here is the summary, we hope it serves as a useful resource for groups or individuals who are trying to raise money for this famine. Let us all pitch in and do what we can to help our people in this time of crisis. Let each of us also make a commitment that this will be the last time we ever hear of famine in our country: the "Waterbed of East Africa" and "the Source of the Blue Nile". Do the right thing!!

DescriptionHow you can help

CSR/letter grade N/A

          This is a unique virtual organization formed by a group of young Ethiopians specifically to raise money for famine relief. They are raising money on behalf of the Ogaden Welfare Society, a local aid agency operating in Ogaden. Some of the highlights from their web page: 100% of all donated money will go towards purchasing food and medical aid, all administrative costs have been donated. On the Ogaden Welfare Society they say "Ogaden Welfare society is a local Aid Agency operating in Ogaden for the last eight years, and monitors the Food Aid to Ogaden on behalf of UN-World Food Program. They now run three major progammes in the region regarding the drought.

  • Feeding more than 2000 children in Gode both supplementary and therapeutic feeding programs
  • Supporting 26,000 beneficiaries in Denan and Emey for dry take home supplementary ration, and this is WFP/DPPC fund.
  • · Running water tanking, water rehabilitation and other village based relief food distributions.

          ethiofamine.org is registered as a non-profit organization in Washington DC. It has no offices, no political affiliations, no employees or overhead cost. Its mission is plain and simple: to raise money for famine relief. The funds raised will be used by the Ogaden Welfare Society. This agency currently coordinate relief efforts in the worst affected areas of southeastern Ethiopia."

For Donations:

Right now you can mail a check or wire money. They are working on on-line donation capabilities

By mail:
Please make your check out to Ethio Famine Fund and write account number on check account number : 1573245879 .  
Bank Name: Chevy Chase Bank
Address: 1800 M St., NW Washington, DC 20036

For More Information:
Visit http://www.ethiofamine.org

For information on the Ogaden Welfare Society contact (in Ethiopia)
e-mail: ows@telecom.net.et
tel 61-55-94 or 61-09-90.

HOPE Task Force
CSR/letter grade N/A

          The acronym H.O.P.E stands for Help Our People Eat. This is a new organization formed by young Ethiopians in response to the latest famine in Ethiopia. According to their web page "HOPE's goal is to raise awareness, summon support and set up a fundraiser to help ease the suffering. The HOPE 2000 fund is set up to raise at least $1 million by the year 2000. HOPE is also committed to finding long term solutions to the problem of chronic hunger in Ethiopia."

          HOPE has partnered with WFP (World Food Programme) via the US Friends of WFP in order to deliver aid directly to where it is needed. Their web page says the WFP "acts as the primary agent responsible for the proper allocation of food, efficient transportation modes, effective distribution and follow-up services on the ground in Ethiopia." The US friends of the WFP are a DC area NGO that serve as the collection point for funds donated to the WFP by communities and individuals.

          The HOPE web page has a very informative special report by the FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Mission To Ethiopia

For Donations:

has a contribution form.

You can donate by check or credit card. Make checks payable to US Friends of WFP, Inc and put HOPE Task Force in the memo section.
Mail to
P.O. Box 122,
1718 M Street, N.W.,
Washington DC 20036

They are working on on-line donation capabilities

100% of donated funds go directly to WFP relief efforts in Ethiopia

All contributions are tax deductible.

For Information

or contact :
P.O. Box 122,
1718 M Street, N.W.,
Washington DC 20036

International Red Cross
CSR/letter grade N/A

          According to their web page "The Federation, in conjunction with the Ethiopian Red Cross Society, will initially be focusing on two districts in South Wollo - Ambassel and Kutaber, where a six month supplementary feeding program was put into operation last year for 40,000 people. The Red Cross is the only international aid organization to work in these two areas, scene of some of the worst famine in 1974 and 1984. " also .. " Nearly 140,000 people in Ambassel and Kutaber are now badly affected by the drought. The Red Cross will be helping the most vulnerable amongst them - the farmers. Speed is of the essence if their lives are to be saved. Funds raised for the appeal will help provide food rations for up to 15,500 farmers for eight months, supplementary feeding for 23,250 at-risk individuals including children under five, pregnant women and mothers with new born babies. The Red Cross will also initiate an employment generation scheme that will provide work for approximately 12,400 households. The money earned will enable the people to buy food on the open market. " and .. "The Federation and the Ethiopian Red Cross will also be assessing the possibility of aid interventions in other areas of the country. In addition, the Federation will be coordinating with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) which will be conducting relief operations in various districts in the Somali National Regional State"

For Donations:
On http://www.ifrc.org/ click on the "Help Now" button and you can make donations on-line or by mail

For More Information :
For further information or to arrange interviews please contact:

Caroline Hurford,
Information Delegate,
Addis Ababa
Satphone: (873) 682 282 080
Hotel tel: (2511) 518 400

Richard May,
Head of Delegation, Ethiopia
Tel: (2511) 51 45 71
Media Service, Geneva
Tel: (41 22) 730 4214
Mobile: (41 79) 416 3881

CSR/letter grade N/A

          The OXFAM page had one of the most extensive coverages of the famine in Ethiopia. The OXFAM Great Britain site was especially detailed and informative. OXFAM has offices in Canada, UK, USA, Spain, and Hong Kong who are active in Famine Relief in Ethiopia.
The OXFAM America page says "Oxfam America was one of the first NGOs to recognize the seriousness of conditions in Ethiopia and respond, both on the ground and over the airwaves. Mike Delaney, Oxfam America's director of Humanitarian Assistance Programs, visited the Yabello area in southern Ethiopia in February and immediately initiated an emergency grant to the region. This relief effort supports pond rehabilitation, water distribution, the supply of seeds for planting in case the rains come, and veterinary medicine. Oxfam is working with Action for Development (AFD), a non-governmental organization that we have supported since 1998. Through AFD, Oxfam already has been able to initiate the digging of new wells and trucking in of water. This initial grant is expected to benefit about 49,650 people in the Yabello region.
According to the OXFAM Canada page "Oxfam is providing clean water and food in the Jigjiga, Shinille and Liben zones of the Somali Region; in Borena ; and North Wollo , and has deployed a team of experts to prepare for additional emergency relief. Oxfam Canada has worked in Ethiopia for over fifteen years, supporting sustainable development and providing relief in times of war and natural disaster"

For Donations:
You can donate to one of the OXFAM offices listed on http://www.oxfam.org/
Donations to OXFAM America can be earmarked specifically for Famine Relief in Ethiopia and are tax-deductible. Donations can be made on-line,
by phone (800/OXFAM-US (800/693-2687), or by mail :
Oxfam America
Ethiopian Famine Relief
26 West St.
Boston, MA 02111

For More Information
Please refer tohttp://www.oxfam.org/

or contact:
Lynsey Miller
617 728 2559

Catholic Relief Service
CSR/letter grade 85/A-

          This organization's web page says, "Catholic Relief Services is a founding member of the Joint Relief Partnership (JRP), a group of mostly Ethiopian faith-based organizations formed during the 84-85 famine. Through the JRP, Catholic Relief Services is helping to reach nearly 400,000 with food aid. Local Ethiopian partners are managing the food distributions on the ground while Catholic Relief Services is supplying materials and technical support. Current emergency efforts focus on helping those victims in the southeast region of the Ethiopia. However, the JRP continues to reach the people located in the north as well as the hardest hit areas of Ethiopia.

          The JRP demonstrates a unique local collaboration of the Church family in Ethiopia. It is motivated to maximize the efficiency and reach of various local Church groups working to prevent famine. Today, as opposed to the famine 16 years ago, the Church network is actively working together to respond to the emergency.

          Complementing the efforts of the JRP is a consortium of international faith-based non-governmental organizations. Catholic Relief Services is the administrative agency of the consortium tasked with delivering US government food to the other organizations, each of which is responsible for a certain area of the country. Working together, the consortium will reach more than 730,000 people with wheat, corn soy blend, and vegetable oil. The goal is to keep food in the pipeline so that the people of Ethiopia have food until the next harvest."

For Donations :


(please specify that your donations are for Ethiopia)

or by mail/phone :
Catholic Relief Services
P.O. Box 17090
Baltimore, Maryland 21203-7090

For Information :

Medicins Sans Frontiers
CSR/letter grade N/A

          According to their web site "At the present time, MSF has identified the Gode zone for immediate intervention. MSF has submitted a request to the Ethiopian authorities for MSF to undertake an immediate nutritional intervention in Denan city. A permanent base shall be set up in the Gode town. The immediate intervention shall be a therapeutic feeding programme that has a minimum length of three months." MSF also provides surgical training for hospitals in Woldya, Wello and runs a n AIDS program in Addis Ababa.

For Donations :
(please make sure you specify that your donation is for Famine Relief in Ethiopia. If this is not specified donations can go to other MSF projects in the world as deemed necessary)

M‚decins Sans FrontiŠres/Doctors Without Borders has a web site which contains a donation form at You can also make a donation by calling 1 (888) 392 0392, or you can send your donation directly to:
M‚decins Sans FrontiŠres
Doctors Without Borders
6 East 39th Street, 8th Floor
New York, New York 10016

American Express, Visa and MasterCard are accepted.

If you have any questions, you can call the Donor Services Department at (212) 655-3759. Tax receipt will be provided

For More Information

CSR/letter grade 87/B+

          The CARE web site says "CARE is one of the world's largest international relief and development organizations, with projects in more than 60 countries. CARE began working in Ethiopia in 1984 to distribute food during the famine. The organization's activities have evolved into development work, including small economic activity development, agriculture and natural resources and reproductive health programs. Responding to the crisis in Jijiga, CARE is tankering water to local and refugee communities, and will launch an emergency food distribution of 360 tons of maize over three months, starting the week of April 24. An estimated 20,000 people will benefit from the program. CARE also works in hard-hit Borana Zone and East and West Haraghe, providing food, water, employment generation and other emergency services."

For Donations:

(on-line donations can be earmarked for Ethiopia)
or by phone :
1-800-521-CARE ext. 999
Outside the U.S., call 404-681-2552

For More Information :

For general information you may call 1-800-422-7385 Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m

Save the Children
CSR/letter grade N/A

          According to a press release on April 5, Save the Children joined with Oxfam in calling international attention to the deteriorating conditions in Ethiopia. Their web site states that their activities in Ethiopia include "operating relief efforts primarily in the Gode Zone region of southeastern Ethiopia, until now the hardest hit region. Save the Children has established a therapeutic feeding center at the local hospital where the agency has hired a nutritionist to oversee the program. Therapeutic feeding is recommended for any child under 70 percent of the standard weight for height. The number of children being admitted to the hospital to receive this feeding is double what was first expected. There is also a supplemental feeding center for malnourished children, helped by the recent emergency airlift of 30 metric tons of high protein biscuits by USAID"

For Donations
To contribute to the Ethiopia Famine Relief Appeal Fund visit website at www.savechildren.org/ethiopia or call 1-800-SAVETHECHILDREN.

Or mail: Save the Children Ethiopia Famine Relief Appeal
PO Box 975- E,
Westport CT 06881

You can specify that your donation is for relief efforts in Ethiopia. An acknowledgment will be sent for donations. "Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law."

For More Information
Please refer to :

World Food Program
CSR/letter grade N/A

          The current work of the World Food Program in Ethiopia according to their web page includes "In January, WFP launched an emergency drought operation aimed at providing 2.3 million people with 250,000 metric tons of food aid for a period of nine months from April to December 2000. WFP also plans a program of supplementary school feeding which will target 145,000 school children per year in the worst affected areas of the country. This brings to 265,000, the number of children benefiting from the project" In addition WFP uses free school lunch programs to encourage parents to send their children to school, and combats urban poverty by providing food aid to migrants from the countryside to the towns and cities.

For Donations
please go to :

Donations go to Famine Relief efforts in the general Horn of Africa region, and are tax deductible for US tax payers.

For More Information
please refer to :

Christian Children Fund
CSR/letter grade 79/A-

          Their web page informs readers that "CCF began providing famine relief support last year to children and their families in the rural Shashemene District where CCF projects are located. Now, the government is requesting additional emergency aid to avoid mass starvation among its already struggling people.

          CCF has procured additional maize for some projects and food distribution will begin shortly, but that is only a start at curbing this disaster. Your help is needed."

For Donations:

Please go to:

To donate by phone call 1-800-776-6767

or by mail
Christian Children's Fund
2821 Emerywood Parkway
PO Box 26484
Richmond, VA 23261-6484

For More Information:

Food for the Hungry
CSR/letter grade N/A

          According to their web site, the activities of Food for the Hungry in Ethiopia are summarized as follows "Food for the Hungry has worked in Ethiopia since 1984 and is implementing a $5 million emergency relief program to help more than one million people living in the Amhara and Oromo regions. "Our strategy is to focus most of our efforts on South Gondar where we have the logistical capacity to implement relief efforts," said Stocker. "This is in line with the government's desire to see agencies focus their relief efforts where they are already working," he added. "We also will airlift food and medicine as needed to the most affected regions," said Starks. "In many places there is no infrastructure for trucks to deliver food." Food for the Hungry is an international relief and development agency of Christian motivation with programs in 30 countries. "

For Donations:
Call 1-800-2-HUNGER (1-800-248-6437)
Or visit

Donations go to general Famine Relief in Africa
For More Information
please refer to