The Mail: What Mail? Upper Management and Mail Editor duke it out, and we are only too happy to add kubet to the fire...
My Story: No battle is as entrenched as the one between a mother and a daughter. And with the birth of a little boy in Texas, the war turns bloody...
Lost in Boston: There are rivers and schools and museums in Boston. But there ain't Ethiopians. And here's the proof...
Uncommon Heroes: If you look closely enough in Addis, there are unsung heroes who hum a different tune...
Ode to 18th Street: Ahhh, DC! What Cities Issue would be complete without it? A reformed 18th Streeter looks back at the debauchery...
Life Diaries: He rants, she demurs; she rails...he philosophizes. A do-gooder wannabe research technician in New England succeeds at loosening the tongue of a project coordinator in Virginia...
Mining Assella's Gold: There is gold to be got in them hills of Assella. And there are heroes who run the hills in search of that gold...
Bar X: If only the walls of a Manhattan bar could talk...
Ashkerinet in Gonder: You may go there kicking and screaming, but you will never forget Gonder no matter how far you go: memoirs of a medical school student...
EnToTo : A ghibbi in EnToTo used to house people and memories. The people may not have survived, but the memories did...
The First Mayor: Power and intrigue: Hayle Giyorgis- The first Mayor of Addis Ab'a...
Cappuccino: Take a deeeeeeeeeeeep breath...ssssssssss........ahhhhhhhhh! A mere whiff of this heavenly substance, and there's nothing you can't bear...
Hulle Ehud : Single versus married Ethiopians in Austin... Are there any winners here?
Dumélang: The quiet greeting of a Chewa Masotho, and the poignant account of a young girl who remembers what she wasn't wise enough to treasure...
The Top Ten: Top Ten Cities SELEDA cannot relocate to...
Seleda Berenda : Responding to the exceptional artistic talent in our community, we present the first exhibit of Seleda's very own gallery ...please raise a glass (a birilE, a shikina, a Tassa, a shot-glass) to Robel Mamo, professional photographer, sharing his visions from his home in Addis.
Ye-Detroit QiZHet (b'AmariNa): Ever wondered, "Min nektot new iza'minorew?!?"? Well, our resident debtera has a few words to say about that...
City Love: Sometimes a tale told without inflection, without emotion, without apology reaches deeper than one that hides behind all the fanfare...
Do the Right Thing: Meleflef bicha mn waga alew? Stop whining! Do something! Help others!
Backpage: A picture is worth a thousand insults: Revenge on the Backpage Editor for last month's Backpage wrgibiN...