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Maryam, Maryam, Maryam

Got a test comin' up? midterms? MCATs? Feel in your bones that the job interview didnÕt go all that well yesterday? Know your Tabotwho knows when you'll need a special favor?

Here are they are indexed by the Day of Month they correspond to:

  1. Lideta
  2. MeTmiQu Yohannis / Iyob / Elias
  3. Baeta
  4. Yohannis
  5. Abbo
  6. Iyesus
  7. SilassE
  8. Arbaëtu Insesa
  9. Kidus Tomas
  10. MesQele Iyesus
  11. Hanna / Qidus Yared
  12. Miikaël
  13. Rufaël
  14. Abune Aregawii
  15. QiirQos
  16. Kiidane Mihiret
  17. IsTiifanos
  18. Qidus Yemane Berhan
  19. Gebriël
  20. H'ntsete
  21. Maryam
  22. Uraël
  23. Gyorgiis
  24. Tekle-Haïmanot
  25. MerQoryos
  26. Qidus Gabriel & Qidus Zecharias
  27. Medhane'Alem
  28. Amanuël
  29. Bale'Gziabher
  30. MarQos

Special thanks to Belachew Bessoma, Luminary Illuminator, without whom this would not have been possible.

N.B. Four of them have proven to be too elusive even for our most assiduous church- goers (maybe we ain't as holy as we think). The first Seleda reader to come up with all four correctly (send us an affidavit from your Nisiha abat) will get keff yale ChibCHeba'na miriQat, and maybe even a glowing mention in next month's Editors' Notes.

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