Notes from the Editors: What we have here is a “seem-u-aE-shinn”, as they say in Iri Bekentoo. Say hello to a new era at SELEDA…
My Story: Diary from a young brother's bed ...
Life Diaries: Ooookkkk. Take cover lest the meqseft meant for one of these two will say-b’l-bankerebabit you…
Heaven and Hell: Can one person be in two places at the same time?
Revealed Religion: Thinking out of the box: in defense of religion.
Hymns of the Devil's Sistrum: Stomping poetic all over the not-so-fine line between religion and spirituality
All I Wanna Do Is Drive: 1001 reasons to learn how to drive ...
: Yes, there is worship. Just who and how, nobody knows ...
Initiation 2: Is there continuum post mortem?
Anderrbi Online: This is for those who believe their computer is ... well ... cursed ...
: The hidden secrets and open questions ...
Conversations: Real conversations with imaginary friends ...
quTrology: Divinity through Ethopic letters ... SELEDA's Nefs Abat, A. Bekrie has the numbers
Drgo for Derek: An Ethiopian contemplating the "M" words ... mot ... mortality... meaning...
Blood and Bones: Descendant of Irish indentured servant inspires Ode to Addis Ababa in Michigan’s thumb in a Hard Rocking Reggae way.
SELEDA Berenda : At Mesqel ...
SELEDA Survey: What is your nirvana? We asked a few of you ...
Top Ten: Top Ten things an Ethiopian would say upon seeing a ghost.
Do the Right Thing: Our generation's legacy ...
Backpage: Finally, the Seleda horoscopes!