A Web Site For The Young Ethiopian Professional. Volume II   Issue I    
Monday March 10 2025

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SELEDA Survey Result

Name: Imebet
Location: Izih agher
Shoe Size: 43 b'awropa
Can you define Impecunious: Abebe impecunious le-be-se
Why I read SELEDA:

I have to. I'm addicted. Group therapy with SRA (Seleda Readers Anonymous) of no use. Have tried everything to stop. But I can't. Checking into whether or not I can sue. SELEDA, prepare yourselves.

Nisehha Abat: niseha abeté LiQ Mesfine yibalalu
I prefer: Collegedidactical Colloquium


Name: Girum Tesfaye
Location: Radford University
Shoe Size: Fits comfortably...thank you
Can you define Impecunious: I can probably make up a word in my sentence and convince you of its existence :)
Why I read SELEDA:

I visit this site because reading articles from educated Ethiopians encourages me to keep on striving. As a fellow Ethiopian, I feel a sense of pride when I come across Ethiopians who have beat the odds. Seeing effort and accomplishment from my people encourages me to keep on producing.

Nisehha Abat:  
I prefer: An English Muffin


Name: Gelila Million
Location: Minneapolis
Shoe Size: 12
Can you define Impecunious: But of course. Next to the definition of this word you will find my picture.
Why I read SELEDA:

I read SELEDA every month religiously simply because you speak my language. I identify with most of the writers’ opinions and experiences. It's almost like going back to my younger years with my good friends who knew me well. Thank you for all your efforts. You manage to put a smile on my face. You’ve even managed to force me to think about what I have done for the past umpteen ears. Bertu, bertu!

Nisehha Abat: Abba Hulunchay
I prefer: Euclidean Plane Geometry


Name: Mesfin
Location: Chicago
Shoe Size: Same as my feet!
Can you define Impecunious?: No!
Why I read SELEDA:

I have nothing better to do. It is similar to reading a two year-old Playboy that someone left in a stall; not worth complaining about, but…

Nisehha Abat:  
I prefer: Euclidean Plane Geometry


Name: Kal'belach-Atsik (hence the english muffin)
Location: Cowland, VA
Shoe Size: Selasa-sidist bicha!
Can you define Impecunious: Not on payday!
Why I read SELEDA: I like y'all! Yager lij CHewata yinafiQal. Especially if you live in small towns)
Nisehha Abat: Aba G/Hanna
I prefer: An English Muffin



Antealehegn Aykochegnem
Location: 58W 34N
Shoe Size: to the tip of my toe
Can you define Impecunious in a sentence: What is a sentence?
Why I read SELEDA: I learn words like 'impecunious'.
Nisehha Abat: Abandoned by my 'nissiha abat'. Made it a full time job for him.
I prefer: Euclidean Plane Geometry


Name: Mulugeta
Location: Germany
Shoe Size: I do not walk, rather fly
Can you define Impecunious: Oh Gott! Was ist das? Is it a colour? No.
Why I read SELEDA:

Amari-English and HP editors: High Pressure, High Pleasure, High Performance, Highly Punctual, High .... Expressions from: Kazanchis,Wabe Shebele(Mexico), Azezo (Gonder), Kebridehar (Harer), Alemketema (Merhabete),Or Sandford or Tsehay Chora, AAU ILS or Harvard Law School, Arat Kilo Physics Dept. or MIT...

Reflects the covert and overt life of the Ethiopian Diaspora, at least the professionals (or those who suppose themselves to be professional). A social forum, without words like Woyanne, Teqawami, oneg, medhin, ehapa ...

Nisehha Abat:

I do not need one, I am free of any sin…

I prefer:

Euclidean Plane Geometry




Location: Denver
Shoe Size: Winter: 9 Summer 9 ‘n half
Can you define Impecunious: Oh, impecunious me !!!!!!!
Why I read SELEDA: It gives me that "LOVING FEELING". Qal kidan alebegn k’agere lijoch. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY SELEDA . MAY U BE FOR GENERATIONS TO COME.
Nisehha Abat:  
I prefer: An English Muffin


Name: CrackHeadTadu
Shoe Size: 9 or 6 1/2 in. after a lousy shower
Can you define Impecunious: Yes, and I can impecunious any babe after a couple of tequila shots.
Why I read SELEDA: EASY! It is you. It must be you. It is your quick wit and abrasive words, your snake like tongue and skin-deep insights. It is you alright. Yes, it is you. The editors, I can do without.
Nisehha Abat: Marion 'Daddy' Barry
I prefer: An English Muffin. "...And above all I love poetry"


Name: Nursef
Location: Atlanta
Shoe Size: Large
Can you define Impecunious: no
Why I read SELEDA: I like its contents. Most of the forums we, Ethiopians, participate on are obsessed with politics. There is nothing wrong discussing political issues but many of the participants resort to personal attacks, which I have a problem with. It is great that this site is not preoccupied with politics and there are no articles, which are directed to attacking individuals.
Nisehha Abat: None of the above
I prefer: Euclidean Plane Geometry


Name: Yared
Location: Dese(D.C)
Shoe Size: 12US 45 Euro
Can you define Impecunious: Eddie Murphy went from impecunious to filthy rich in that movie "Trading Places".
Why I read SELEDA: I read SELEDA, because I consider myself to be Young Ethiopian Professional (Yeah, RIGHT). No I read SELEDA because of the captivating stories that help get me through my day (I’ll be serious now). I read SELEDA because its the only online Ethiopian magazine that I know of. And damn it, I just plain like it!
Nisehha Abat: MinWuyellet
I prefer: Gustave Courbet


Name: 602
Shoe Size: secure
Can you define Impecunious: I do now : http://www.dictionary.com/cgi-bin/dict.pl?term=impecunious
Why I read SELEDA: I would like to use impecunious in a sentence. Really.
Nisehha Abat: HUH?
I prefer: 40oz Filter Tela


Name: Samson
Location: Dallas
Shoe Size: 9.5
Can you define Impecunious: I could not describe the great sorrow I feel when I think of the impecunious state our country is in.
Why I read SELEDA: Its fascinating. Filled with subject matters I can relate with and written with a certain amount of personal touch. I don't know if it is the molQaQa theme of the articles, or the crafty writing but I am a fan, who expects his issue posted on time. Keep up the good work.
Nisehha Abat:  
I prefer: Gustave Courbet


Name: Markos G.
Location: IL
Shoe Size: Wear barabarso (he had to use the larger chunk of a trenta Quattro tire to make mine).
Can you define Impecunious: Yes, ....as a soup
Why I read SELEDA: It mirrors me, makes me think, tells me there are more goofy people like me (happy to have company in hell or heaven). What a fresh alternative....the un-loud but potent, surviving sound of our kin!!! Go on, get big, but keep the flavor until it is replaced by ideals of the latest closeness to absolute truth (Have I gone mad!!)
Nisehha Abat: Call and get it from 1-900-aba-santim
I prefer: Euclidean Plane Geometry


Name: Amanuel
Location: Los Angeles
Shoe Size: Don't have one! They kicked me out of my country barefoot, and I have not had a chance to purchase one while I'm paying off Med School loans.
Can you define Impecunious: Is that some sort of green-leafy vegetable?
Why I read SELEDA: Every generation has one 'BIG' responsibility. At the end of the day, it should hand over a nation/civilization in a better state than it's predecessor had given it. Well, our generation was not fortunate enough to experience such phenomenon. And despite all the let-downs, all the trials and tribulations we faced, I become deeply emotional when I observe the degree of self- realization/appreciation, the depth of intellect, and the love for country my generation possess. No where else is this more evident than at SELEDA's pages.
Nisehha Abat: I'm not that old!!!
I prefer: An English Muffin


Name: Teman
Location: Missouri
Shoe Size: Anbessa: 44 special order
Can you define Impecunious: Not a chance
Why I read SELEDA: It daunts me; it is stimulating and at the same time confusing. However, I am catching the fever. I am addicted to your chat. I can't help it. It seems like a month is too long to wait for your magazine. How the heck do you guys do this? I was a casual observer, sitting on the sideline, vowing never to get involved in this mess; but it was not meant to be. I am addicted. Oh...oh... let me just utter it so nobody can hear it; I love your nonsense. It is incredible; riveting. I am going to start SELEDA Anonymous (SA) for those who need help overcoming this addiction…I am suspecting a 100% failure. I can't wait for the next issue. Until then, I will be drinking my tejj to sober up; that is why I read SELEDA.
Nisehha Abat: What?...Here we go again
I prefer: An English Muffin


Name: Yemisrach Kifle
Location: Charlotte NC
Shoe Size: 26
Can you define Impecunious: Why? I am the very definition of it.
Why I read SELEDA: I am a graduate student in Charlotte, NC. … Reading and writing are my first loves (yes, I have two first loves, hope that’s okay). For the first time I feel my experiences as an Ethiopian are expressed and validated by others like me. I can relate to every issue of SELEDA. The stories are delivered with great sense of humor. I love it.
Nisehha Abat:  
I prefer:  


Name: Aynaddis Fekadu
Location: Tulsa, OK
Shoe Size: We don't wear shoes in the summer down here.
Can you define Impecunious: No, but my cousin Burtukan can.
Why I read SELEDA: I'm trying to find my old Nazret temaribet guadegnoch (Kuki, is that you?)
Nisehha Abat: Billy Joe, from the local 7-11


Name: EGM
Location: West Coast
Shoe Size: 39 1/2
Can you define Impecunious: No
Why I read SELEDA: I hope to get discount coupons for my grocery shopping. But why do you ask such questions for heaven sake? Do I have to remind you that you are only a fingertip away …free and no question asked, except for now? Besides who is out there doing what you are doing? Is it CNN, New York Times, LA Times TOBIA or ER...? Forget it! Hi listen, you humble editors - if you are doing a market research it is fine with me, I will subscribe to SELEDA at any cost. I am so misplaced and lost to think of the motherland, had it not been for SELEDA! nissihs_abat:
Nisehha Abat: Sorry, I do not want to disclose name it is strictly personal.


Name: Senayit
Location: Los Angeles
Shoe Size: 8
Can you define Impecunious: It depends on my mood.
Why I read SELEDA: I have learned so much from the articles. I thought I was the only one going through life struggle. Most of the issues discussed are very inspiring and contemporary. To tell you the truth, I read it enough times to know which article is on what month.
Nisehha Abat: Geta Yesus
I prefer: Collegedidactical Colloquium


Name: Abyssinia
Location: Geter
Shoe Size: 6.5
Can you define Impecunious: Never
Why I read SELEDA: ‘Cause it's liberal and sophisticated and at the same time traditional. Reminds me of the good things agere.
Nisehha Abat: Aba Gugsa
I prefer: Euclidean Plane Geometry


Name: Gelane Workneh
Location: Chicago
Shoe Size: 9 1/2
Can you define Impecunious: What?
Why I read SELEDA: It takes me places I dared not suspect a habesh would take me. As much as I have almost too much love for my people, it wrenches at my heart to see some of us so locked up in our so limited and closed up world. SELEDA shows me that there are ihit/wondemoch out there who think far beyond and who let their minds stay open… for a possible enlightenment. So it's with an utmost respect that I salute the makers, upholders and supporters of SELEDA. Selam hunu...
Nisehha Abat:  
I prefer: Euclidean Plane Geometry


And our favorite…

Name: Fishkaw
Location: The Netherlands
Shoe Size: Depends on how excited I am
Can you define Impecunious: What ?
Why I read SELEDA:

I read seleda because it is about .... Nothing (like you guys put it). It was, at least. The very last issue sounds like my schoolbooks. …The good old issues remind me the good old times. That tiny, always foggy, 25-shamma ampol- no window, room of Bacha's with a sign "He who comes with 2Birr chat is welcome to this burning Heaven". Inside that little room everything looked perfect; sound was good; smell was OK. But if yetebaberut sendel and eTan by any technical fault fail in their duty… neger tebelashe! There in the corner a quite nice place for two, decorated with things that look like pillows, mostly occupied by the two regulars, Wondimu("Qidedew") and his buddy Bekele ("Buanbuaw"). Those two were ye betu missoso, gidgidana, mager... center of attentions. Each and every day they somehow manage to tell us a new, fresh, mereQ yehonu stories. Even though we knew they are lying, they were always successful in getting our attention. "Last night I was walking by, Sindu came from no where and she Fonka ligelat new. "Nefsay abedkulih" new werèwa…" Sindu was kind of rich and a beauty symbol of the neighborhood. Her father had a wefCHo bet. They could have made a terrific writer/director team ,if they were born in some other planet. The way they talked, the words they used…I miss them. Finally I found some of it in you SELEDA. Thank you.

P.S. Recently I saw the same old Kidedew in Habtu Suq, doing his usual daily shopping: " Hulet Niala, andun lekusew" Still, for some reason, he doesn't buy his own matches.


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