Another lazy, uneventful summer noon, the sun posing on our waxed shoulders, and nothing but the nostalgia of the 80’s on our minds. Woe, the 80’s, a great decade for pumps and legwarmers, a lifeless decade for hair.
Wait, certainly not heroism!
This month, dearest of SELEDAwiyans, we pay tribute to an incredible woman and her cause. Wzo. Abebech Gobena is the founder of the Abebech Gobena Orphanage and School (AGOS). In Wollo, 1980, Wzo. Abebech embraced two neglected children during her pilgrimage to Gishen Mariam. She continued to absorb a growing number of children - 21 by the end of the year. Have mercy, the only little nuggets that we ever fostered were contagious warts on our left… nevermind.
We wish we were as sacrificial as she was. Wzo. Abebech was a devout caretaker and faithful humanitarian. Her single-handed commitment drew the respect and support of various aid organizations. Consequently, it has expanded to the large institution that it is today.
AGOS started out as a school for orphans, a promise for education. Since then it has expand and diversified its development grounds. In addition to child care facilities and programs: “AGOS has largely involved in rural and urban integrated development activities and supporting about 350,000 marginalized segment of the communities.”
Yikes, that’s gazillions and change more than the marginalized cyber-segment of a community that we foster. But let’s save that for our (equally) psycho psychotherapist…
Since its humble inception, the foundation has established three clinics, one health post and extended health services to the disadvantaged, family planning and vaccination programs in the most remote and deprived areas, and micronutrient fortification programs that have supported more than 2000 mothers and underweight children.
As the challenges of orphanage care heighten in the face of the HV/AIDS pandemic, so is AGOS’s dire need for voluntary support. This is a small snippet of what AGOS is promises. Please, please visit their very comprehensive website and inform yourself on their vision, and how you can be a part of it:
Abebech Gobena:
P.O.Box 24998
Tel: 251-1-564286/553622/557161
Fax: 251-550152
E-mail: agos@telecom.net.et
Bank Acccount:
Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia
Local - 3109 (Abakoran Branch)
Foreign-AN/01704/173551/00 IBD.
Wzo. Abebech is our hero. For every inspiration that follows your lead, we salute you.