To: WondaTr
From: Bogalech
Dear WondaTr,
I can't find the famous song about Bogalech and WondaTr... isti, gossh, one or two verses angoragur'lN?.
sorry for being so quiet in the past few days -- work deadlines have been driving me completely crazy this week, and i haven't had a moment's break. but i'm back to normal now.
your entry left me hanging with promises of "unforgettable spiritual experiences" you had in your junior high years. tadleh! my junior high years were full of growing pains, gangly limbs and deep angst, and i would love to forget them so i won't be in any position to reciprocate. but i await your stories with much gugut.
first, thanks for calling my entry "delightfully thoughtful"... and for the dating advice which, God willing, i will have the chance to use sometime before the next millennium. bless me, WondaTr, for i haven't "sinned" in so long that i think i might be eligible for special recognition by ImebEtachn Maryam. remind me again, how long does it take before the Church recognizes revirginization?! (did i just hear you say Besmeab!) okay, okay, forget i went there.
back to our discussion. i liked when you suggested that our Washnt generation learn to pick and choose the truth from among the debris around us. but, though there's a part of me that wants to believe that our rejection of anything Ethiopian is triggered by our Dergue traumas, in fact one of the few constructive and unintended results of those times was the freedom to question. and no institution is more allergic to questions than the Orthodox Church. "atiTeyqu...atimerameru" were the tired responses i would get anytime i dared to ask awkward questions: "why is that priest coming out of that tej bEt so early in the morning, staggering like he's drunk...and who is that woman?"...."how come the diaqon is calling that little yenEbiTE kid all those mean names?" "who did Adam's kids marry?" "why is it that the Bahtawi feels free to preach so hatefully about all other religions -- is there enough room in hell for all the Catholics, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Protestants?"
so although i agree that the Dergue years forced us to marakess too many of our strengths and values, we also impertinently began to question the unquestioned.
reading your entry, i want to say "Wiyyy, dessss sil!" about your wide-eyed optimism, but i ended up questioning your premises. i was really excited when i thought i had the right take on your Qdst SelassE thought-- i was ready to argue that the feminine Qdst is referring to the church, not to the Trinity. but then i remembered Qdus Gorgees...that was a church, too...and many others. and there went my argument. when i find a better one, though, i'll come back at you on that one.
now let me provoke you a bit on your other points, and apologize in advance for crossing some delicate lines.
you have eloquent arguments for how the Church embodies female images and concepts. thankfully, i'm not as bog-bog as i used to be (hence my nickname) and, in my newfound maturity and wisdom, i won't jump all over you for claiming that tender care, unconditional love, tears, sweat and labor are "womanly" qualities. at the very least, i do know i've had a whiff or two of men with the quality of "sweat". so what are "manly" qualities?
but back to the debate...the Church that, in your view, celebrates the magic of birth and fertility in its Timqet observances, is the same one that brands women unclean and unworthy of worshipping in the sacred Church during those days when their bodies bear witness to their childbearing and fertile roles. how do we explain this?
or the fact that the Church, rather than be humble and speak for the poor and the vulnerable, seems to side with the powerful and the rich throughout the ages? are we to blame this on the people rather than on the message?
or the fact that no matter how many little girls are ready to be baptized, they have to wait until all the little boys are christened? after all, those little girls have waited twice as long to be allowed to come to the house of God.
or the absurd vows exchanged at the wedding ceremony!? i'll never forget the first time i heard the vows in AmarNa! ere s'mot, i would strongly urge all couples to keep the beauty and zEma and incomprehensibility of the Gi'z ceremony!
or the fact that the most devout people i know are women, yet i will never have the pleasure of Church services presided over by one? not even as a diaqon? is that the action of a Church that celebrates its feminine side? hmmm...i don't think so.
or the strange phenomenon that has led to the creation of two or more churches in the same expatriate Ethiopian community with the same tabot? what's up with that!? are these splinters at least due to theological differences or is it all because of personal and/or political infighting? again, the people or the message?
and then...and THEN...what's up with the preoccupation about sex? didn't God give us these bodies so that we can enjoy the sensations that She/He decided should be wired into them? i mean, who created the glorious "OH MY GOD" orgasm if it wasn't God?! ay gud, don't look now but i think i just crossed a line.
i don't expect you to answer any of these questions...though i hope you're not nodding your head in despair and murmuring "AyTeyeqm" under your breath. i really want you to give me hope in the Church by sharing your own experiences. how did you become a "semi-devout" person, or have you always been one? what keeps you going when you see inconsistencies? who answers your questions or is that left to prayers and self-reflection?
ay bimecheN! i would maTadef a poor priest with these questions. with my luck he'd launch a mega-dose of meqseft my way, and i'd turn into a canker sore on some politician's lip...now that's my idea of hell.
shall we go back to my God? I'd like to think She would treat equally all those who called for her help and guidance, be it from the comfort of a couch or the support of a freezing streetlight, or a country church. She would not require large, awesome buildings built in Her name. if people chose to go to Her churches, they would be welcomed with all their questions...even me. those in Her service would be encouraged to go into the community and mingle with the regular folks, spreading love and tolerance and peace and justice.
and She would knowingly smile when She saw that Her churches were actually full not only of those devoted to Her Word but also those devoted to finding that special someone...hey, don't you think She knows there's a lot of that going on now?
enough beating up on your Church. next time we could look into the issues of ganEnoch, ghosts and haunted spaces?! i have a wealth of stuff to talk about there!
have a great day and i hope to hear from you soon!
be blessed,
To: Bogie
From: WendaTr
WondaTr Bogye bogbuka, Bogye bogbuka
ArgiN neka neka neka neka
Neka neka neka neka neka
Bogye Wondye wondaTr, Wondye wondaTr
Ay Qumenah siyamr eTr, mTn
Mchu neh lefikr, lefikr
Well, Bogie, this is the best I can do without the music to magebing me. This is just the azmach.
You dropped another bomb on me. Fortunately, Im not touched. So many Tsebels protect my spirit.
Re: the dating situation:
Dont think the next millennium is some 99 years away. Y2K Ethiopian style is in less than five years. Keep hope alive; you may not wait too long to get another dateJ
. Dont be scared to have your heart broken, again
and again and again. Pick up the pieces and try again
. just like New York. Now talk about spirit and the resolve and strength of the human spirit. I think the best place to be in the world after September 11 is New York City. I wish I were there. That is where you get tested; really tested if you have IT or NOT. BTW, the tragic thing happened on our New Years Day. I wonder if America knows it has started a new year with the wrong bang. My prayer ever since is for Egziabhaer to give all of us better 364 days.
Back to our discussion: Bogie, yene ihit, Dergue and the "freedom to question?" Wow! I think you might have mistook "that periods" freedom to question, marakess, maTlalat, and the Dergues use of "freedom" to do anything to reach its own (misguided) goals with genuine freedom to question. Your "freedom to question" anything in those times begins and ends at the feet of the powers that be. Have you ever had the freedom to question anything the Dergue was doing for and to its people
? (Oh, oh, may be I am getting too political.) There is a huge difference between the freedom to question as you wish and as "they" wish it for you. And questions about the Orthodox Church didnt begin and then. Actually, questions have always been there in the last 2000 years. Frankly, the Churchs true children always welcome any respectful and honest questions and topics for dialogue. I believe the Church is at its best when it answers questions. At times, the church doesnt know how to but has the most amazing democratic institutions for such purposes. Find out about the Nicea Ecumenical Council and how the early Church fathers freezled the first major schism in the church around 328 A.D.
RE: AtiTeyqi and related matters:
Bogie, since you "wanted [me] to really give you hope in the Chruch by sharing my experiences," let me try with all the honesty I can muster.
First, I believe most of our knowledge of the Orthodox Church is based more on hearsay than our own personal experience (mind you the Orthodox Church is universal; Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, EOTC, is part of the many but One in Faith). I was one of those people who grew up believing that the EOTC is too allergic to questions. I grew up hearing dont ask this or that or tiQesefaleh! I knew about the Armageddonic sermons of Bahtawiyan. I have heard too many scandals (juicier than Clintons & Monica Lewinskis). I heard that the church worships Imebetachn Maryam and a host of angels and sewoch. Honestly though, it was never my personal experience. I heard. Am I saying the church and its members are not guilty of some transgressions? No! What I am saying is, most of my knowledge of the church came from "other" sources. When I got tired of hearing about her from others, I decided to hear what she has to say (yep! EOTC is a SHE). How about you? Did you hear about or witness the "failures of the EOTC?"
Here is what I heard and read about Orthodox spirituality from its teachers and books:
The basis of the EOTCs teaching is divided into two parts: Imnet (Dogma) and Sreat (canons). Imnet is permanent, unchangeable and based on the Bible and Holy Tradition - the big T (dont start to panic, please. I know how much trepidation the words "Tradition"& "Sreat" send into the minds of the Washnt generation). Holy Tradition is basically the autobiography of the Holy Spirit (in action) through the Church throughout the ages. For instance, we can only know the names of Adam and Eves other kids and whom they married through the Holy Tradition. And, we do know. Get the Semania Ahadu (81) Bible and read Metsehafe Kufale. The book tells you everything you want to know about the "missing" times after the Garden of Eden. EOTCs Sreat also derive from the Bible and Holy Tradition (twfeet, here is a Geez/Amharic word you can add into your vocab). For instance, when to have Baptism is Sreat. To have Baptism is Imnet. There is a divine necessity to have Sreat. Nothing functions without it. Even the most anti-Sreat denominations have it. And, through time it will be something they sincerely protect. Sreat can be amended, evolve and change. However, until the synod of the church proclaims the change, the laity ought to live by it to avoid chaos.
Bogie, understanding the difference between Dogma and Canon opened up a huge spiritual door for me. I then delved into reading more about the church and its teachings. Here are some books to check out. Betekristianhn Iweq, yeEthiopia Orthodox Betekristian Tarik, yeEthiopia Orthodox Betekristian, The Orthodox Church, Becoming Orthodox and many more. What keeps me going
? Huh! A combination of things; questioning (going back to the Bible, books and spiritual fathers, just like Sts. Paul and Barnabas went to ask the rest of the apostles in Acts 15), praying (asking for His revelation), meditation (actually, more of day-dreaming, reflection and contemplation). At the end, I still wouldnt know the fullness of the Truth. Therefore, I learn to accept the awesomeness of the Source.
Bogie, do you know why the dreaded words "yerekese" or "yerekesech" were used in the Bible? It was to protect Ayhudochn from sin and other grief. The good book says a woman is "yerekesech" when she is during her monthly cycles and after giving birth. Why? The intent was to protect her from her husbands sexual advances, rigorous household chores, obligation to go to synagogues (later churches) and more. A great many Orthodox fathers and scholars believe that the reason God used such dreadful word as "unclean" was because of the wickedness of the believers. The argument goes: unless you warn them with such dreadful words and warnings, they would venture into doing the opposite. Thus, when you read Orit Zedagm chapter 12, trust that God intended to give women those days off. Sort of like "maternity leave;" free from any chores, social or religious obligations. Why baptize 40 days after the birth of boys and 80 days after the birth of girls? Are you complaining? Im not. I would rather focus on the ideal than the distortion.
Speaking of the church not "speaking for the humble and the vulnerable,
[but] the powerful and the rich
." Bogie, there are more than 14 thousand churches through out Ethiopia. I dont think there is a single unified church in the world that is, more by the poor, for the poor and to the poor than the EOTC. The Church, throughout history, labored for the poor more than it gets credit for. Here is an example; the EOTC is one of first entities that rejected the ideology of both Fascism/Nazism and Communism on our soil. It fiercely and tactfully entreated the people to reject both ideologies and the people did. It cost the church at least two patriarchs, hundreds of priests and thousands of believers but, it protected the poor. There was never a time in which the church failed to give its approval or disapproval of "the powerful." Whoever underestimates the wisdom and its spiritual leadership of the Ethiopian minds has awaited its doom. The Church was always involved in solving the threat of civil wars and external invasionsboth are nemesis for the poor. Exceptions must never pass as rules.
Re: Splits and splinters
Bogie as you may agree with me, Ethiopians (or should I say peoples in Ethiopia, ooooh!) are in the process of trying to find identity(ies) everywhere. There is a lot of soul searching going on. It is a necessary but painful spiritual process. I trust one aspect of this soul and/or identity search is the cause of "the strange phenomenon" that leads to the creation of churches with the same tabots in the same city. As for me, if they can work amicably together, even as separate churches, the idea of multiple churches in a given city doesnt bother me. Actually, I am for the creation of multiple churches especially in big cities. I see it as sign of growth. The more priests and deacons we have, the better. Addis Ababa has innumerable number of churches with similar names and tabots. There is no animosity there. One positive aspect of this "phenomenon" is that there is no division due to theological differences (especially on Dogma). The EOTC, wherever she finds herself, professes an apostolic faith; from Ethiopia to Israel; from Europe to North America; from Uganda to the Caribbean (yes, the Caribbean! If I am not mistaken, the EOTC has more than a dozen beautiful churches in Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and surrounding islands). By the way, Bogie, the native converts do receive the liturgy in Geez; our language that you called "incomprehensible." Ooh, I was really incensed by your selection of word on that. Geez is not incomprehensible. We were told it was and we bought it. Did I hear you say here is his wide-eyed optimism?
Bogie, as a Christian and a citizen of the most destitute nation on earth, wide-eyed optimism is what I have left. What would be my alternative? Wide-eyed pessimism? My Christian and Ethiopian spirit(s) dont allow me to entertain the alternative. I would rather not-exist besigam hone benefs! Yibqan!
YibQan! Too much Orthodoxy, already. You gave me too many questions to ponder. I will try to get back to some of them in my next entry.
Here is one of my stories as promised. I hope you enjoy it!
I was in junior high; maybe in seventh or eight grade. One morning, my siblings and I were getting ready to go to school. Our father was getting ready to go to work. Our maid, usually an early bird, was still in bed. When Abaye found out that she was not up and breakfast was not ready, he went to her bedroom to check up on her (my parents were divorced and Father had custody). My brothers and I went with Father. He called the maids name and approached her bed to check if she were asleep or awake. She was awake and not in a good mood to speak with Father. He started asking her if she was sick and all. All of a sudden, her voice completely changed and she started speaking like a man. Not only that, she also started verbally disparaging her employer. Father, being a very perceptive and devoutly religious man, seemed to know exactly what was happening. He told us to leave the room and he went to his bedroom. We, of course, didnt leave the room. We didnt know why he went to his bedroom until we saw him coming back with (hear this) the Bible, Mezmure Dawit and DrsaNe Mikael. While he was away, our maid was mumbling as if she were upset or something. She was still in her bed.
When Abaye walked into the room, I lie not to you, she immediately threw the blanket and sheets off her and started to sit up. By that time we knew that there was something wrong with our maid. She was a wonderful and dutiful maid. Father went to one corner of the room and started praying. He followed by reading from the Bible and the other religious books. I dont think I can have enough earthly words to describe the activities of our maid. She was jerking, moving, sitting down, getting up and all sorts of bodily movements of her hands and legs. Her pretty face looked angry and sickly at the same time. Her eyes were scary. She was speaking in Amharic and her native language (it could have been another language and we wouldnt have known). She was loud. Some of the things she was saying were discernable and others were not. She was groaning and moaning, too. Bogie, I am not describing "the Exorcist" or a bad dream, here. I am telling you a true story that I have witnessed and participated in.
Father, after he "finished" praying and reading, came closer and started to engage our maid in a conversation. He was aware that he was not speaking to her but whatever that was in possession of our kind maid. He knew that our maid beBudda indetebelach. Father was methodical in his approach. He asked one question several times. He asked for explanation. His tone of voice was conversational. When Abaye set the Bible on one end of the bed, the maid would come and throw it away. But we were there to bring it back as fast as possible and witness the drama again. Our maid, without looking at us putting down the Bible or the Dawit, would scream "teqatelku" and rush to push the books off her bed. At one point, Father started touching or should I say, tapping her with the books. Her scream or, should I say, the possessors scream got louder. Kids being kids, we started an experiment. We took the Bible and hid it in our maids shanTa that was right next to her bed. She immediately pounced on the shanTa and started throwing her clothes out looking for the Bible. When she found it, she threw it with the same ferocity. Our father was devotedly trying to "negotiate" the budda out of our maid and didnt seem to pay attention to our little experiment on the side. That is the only explanation that I can think of for our fathers disregard.
Anyway, Father found out that the budda came "on a white horse" and was "not going to leave" our maid. The budda said he possessed our maid when she was visiting her family in the countryside a few weeks ago. He threatened to harm her lovely daughter if he is not left alone. Father was very patiently praying and calling the names of Sellassie, St. Mary, angels and all. To make the long ordeal short, the budda finally promised to leave her. When the ordeal was over, our maid fell on the bed; physically exhausted and soaked with sweat. She fell asleep and Father asked us to leave her alone for a while. Abaye and we managed to make our own breakfast and left on our respective endeavors, very late.
Bogie when I got back from school, our maid was up and about her business. She looked like herself, working while singing out loud or just mumbling some melody. She was completely unaware of what had transpired in the morning. She found out about the whole thing after a few months. As you can imagine, the experience was profound and it was never a dinner-table topic of discussion in the family. I dont remember Father ever mentioning it.
Bogie, this experience is one of the reasons that I believe in God. I dont think I ever needed some proof to believe in the Creator but the experience has affected my view of things spiritual. I dont think that I can ever be simply empirical: the claim that there is nothing beyond what we can grasp with our five senses. MATRIX, Sixth Sense, anyone? Spirituality is a very complicated concept. Bogie, I dont like the ubiquitous and trivial use of the words spirit and spirituality by the Oprahs and opinion makers of our days. There is also an attempt to confine spirit and spirituality to experiences and whims of the individual or a given faith. I trust they are beyond our individual selves. They are something much bigger; certainly, not fully comprehensible.
Selam Lanchi!