SELEDA Ethiopia
Art work by Assegid Gessesse
February 23 2025
Table of Contents
Editors' Note
The Mail
Our Favorite Mail
My Story
...My Permanency
...Drums Beat
...of Sounds
The Gilding...
Keeping... Alive
Heading West...
New York Haven
Life Diaries
"Homes Apart"...
How... Here?
Exiled at Home
Top 10
Isti Wedih...
Back Page
... right thing
Hamsa Lomi

Table of Contents


Note from the Editors: Hopefully, one of these days, we will actually run out of things to say…

The Mail: Hopefully, you will never run out of things to say about us running out of things to say…

Our Favorite Mail: Roses are red; Violets are Blue; We love us; Why don't you?…

Bawza: The art of hiding behind some reliable lies…

My Story: There are some memories you can't erase, some regrets you'll never forget, and some people who will always haunt you: When loving sidet loses its charm…

Renewing My Permanency: "Excuse me, sir… is this the line for the 'We don't care' window, or the 'I don't know!' window?" Renewing your Green Card has never been more fun…

I Don't Hear Drums Beat: Some difficult questions, but answer them, d*** it....

The Sweetest of Sounds: What do we tell the next generation? …

The Gilding, Part II: Fighting your first political battle when you are thirteen…

Keeping My Father Alive: In a strange land, we watch our parents grow old…

Heading West: The friends we never say goodbye to…

New York Haven: A little somethin' for everyone...

Tenderness, Ethiopian Style: Between love and madness, is a lonely, calculating heart…

Life Diaries: On the perky corner we have… On the de-perkify corner, we have…

On Film: "Homes Apart"

Finding My Identity in the Diaspora: At one point, we all have to stop and ask… "What makes me an Ethiopian?" …

Where are you from? " So, do your people still live in trees?" "Yes, the big oak tree on Connecticut Avenue is our embassy." "Really?" "Really." "Wow"…

Exiled At Home: Sometimes, you don't have to leave home to be in exile…

The SELEDA Top Ten: Prescriptions for Homesickness

Isti Wedih: Finding the magic that bonds us at the strangest places, under the most unlikely circumstances…

The Back Page: Raise your hands and praise the Lord; SELEDAfication is here…

Do the right thing: Don't forget those in need.

SELEDA Archive Yes, we have a past.

Hamsa Lomi: And we plan to have a future. Wanna be part of it?


© Copyright SELEDA Ethiopia,  September 2000.   All Rights Reserved.