
Iza mado...HO!...CHs yCHesal...HO!... No, not there...over there. Actually, not there, either. We just wanted to see if we could make you look.
IndEt keremach'huln? INas IgzihEr ymesgen deg nen. We would be even better, though, if it weren't for these...these...Life Diarists. Ishi, mnnnnnnnnnnm anl'm...inante f'redu isti. What do you do with someone who doesn't know the difference between tera poletika and sexual politics?! And then they just launch into these big hush-hush issues in our community like it's no big deal...just put it out there...just like THAT. GuuuudeNoch!
What to do? HOOOWAAAAAT TO DO?! Zmmmmm blo manbeb newa!