
by Diplobrat
politikin' with a boy of ours
who was so swift to spit
on the faces of my Muses
and the musings on my lips:
i see how you dig poetry
since your life's been but a script
free-verse and freedom
see the world in licks
i've never seen the world in flicks
Abaye peeps your world in fancy cars
that he chauffeurs part-time
while ironing your daddy's shirts to match his Fendi tie
and Emaye - dengay teshekami - for ECA to launch on time
that temple of diplomacy where empty rhetoric chimes
and Mamo reads in kuraz light
for night school to dawn bright dreams
while you toy with incense and lava lamps for inspiration, it seems?
Club X, Club Z, Tebesa Zones galore for all you "willing and able"
still Mimi "works" at Buna Bets to bring dinner to our table.
so don't mind me if from time to time i crush "diplomacy" to shreds
i'm drunk with power at my position of keeping your goldfish fed
and forgive me if your poetry ignites my rubbing fists like coal
i'd just rather feed my family
than feign to "feed my soul."