Monday March 10 2025            July, August Double Issue

A Web Site For The Young Ethiopian Professional.
    Volume II   Issue IV

Front Page
Table of Contents
Editors' Note
The Mail
My Story
Money and...
Imeri SuQé
Delala, NY Style
Thirty Questions
Selling Out
E Trade
The Hustle
The Profile
Corporate Arbegna
The 25K Challenge
A Kiss Without...
Top 10
MBA Woes
Do The Right Thing
Hamsa Lomi:
Back Page

As the saying goes, hamsa lomi le-and sew shekim, le hamsa sew geT naw. Interested in lightening up our load and submitting an article for us to consider for publication? Well, here are our guidelines.

  1. CRITERIA: We publish articles that do one, some or all of the following: aggravate, bewitch, comfort,distress, emblazon, fantasize, galvanize, humble, inspire, jape, kindle, linger, marvel, nurture, oblige, provoke, quarry,rejuvenate, stimulate, tantalize, uplift, vex, whine.... In short, we publish articles that we love.
  2. LANGUAGE: In English or Amharic.
  3. DEADLINE: You will NOT be penalized for timely submission of articles. If, like most of us, you need tohear the crack of SELEDA Dominatrix's whip before you click the "send" button on your computer screen, submit your article on or before the 15th of the month.
  4. FORMAT:
    1. Length: We have no word or page length requirements. If we feel it's too short, we'll ask you to expandappropriate sections; if it's too long, we will ask you to cut the CHoma (aren't we nice?) and/or we will doit for you. The earlier you submit your article, the more diplomatic we will be with our editorial comments.
    2. Document File: Send your article as an HTML, Word, Star Office or WordPerfect document.
    3. Amharic Software: If you wish to submit an article in Amharic, it should be in graphics format (preferably"jpg.").
  5. RIGHTS:
    1. Terms of Publication: We reserve the right to accept or reject any article submitted to SELEDA forpublication consideration. Unless we plan to include your article in forthcoming issues, you will receive an e-mailnotification from us by the 5th of the month.
    2. Media: We reserve the right to publish your article in SELEDA, the monthly e-zine. We also reserve theright to include your article in other media including SELEDA books, anthologies, audio and videotapes and CD ROMs.
    3. Payment: We do not pay for articles submitted to SELEDA.
  6. SUBMISSION ADDRESS: Please send your submission by e-mail to


September 2000 The Diaspora/Exile Issue

October 2000 The Education Issue

November 2000 The Cities Issue

December 2000 The Humor Issue

January 2001 The Travel Issue



Hey, Ethiopian Caricaturists, Cartoonists, Designers, Engravers, Graphic Artists, Illustrators, Multi-Media Artists,Painters and Photographers out there. We know you are hiding. Stop being ye-gan mebrat and submit your artwork to SELEDA'S forthcoming editions. We need your participation in the following sections (1-3).

  1. COVER ART COMPETITION: Please review the themes listed above and submit artwork that you feel illustrates a theme selected for the given month. We are looking for artwork that is provocative, humorous, irreverent, radiant, whimsical, ironic, and exquisite (and devious once in a while). We frown on artwork submissions if they are too literal. We will select one piece for the monthly cover and include submissions that were not selected in the Cover ArtCompetition Page.
  2. ARTWORK FOR ARTICLES: Please send in cartoons, design elements and illustrations to illustrate some of the regular SELEDA columns (eg. Bawza, Chilot, Do the Right Thing, Hamsa Lomi..., My Story, 30 Questions, Jebdu, Seleda Profile, Backpage, Top Ten, Work Log).
  3. CARTOONS & ILLUSTRATIONS: If enough of you cartoonists, caricaturists and illustrators submit your artwork, we would like to start a Humor Page in forthcoming editions of SELEDA. Please review the themes listed above and submit artwork that illustrates the theme of the month.
  4. DEADLINE: Please send in your submissions by the 15th of the month.
  5. RIGHTS:
    1. Terms of Publication: We reserve the right to accept or reject any artwork submitted to SELEDA forpublication consideration. Unless we plan to include your artwork in forthcoming issues, you will receive an e-mailnotification from us by the 5th of the month.
    2. Media: We reserve the right to include your artwork in SELEDA, the monthly e-zine. We also reserve theright to include your artwork in other media including SELEDA books, anthologies, audio and videotapes, and CD ROMs.
    3. Payment: We do not pay for artwork submitted to SELEDA.
  6. FORMAT: Artwork should be in graphics format. Gif & jpg are preferable.
  7. SUBMISSION ADDRESS: Please send your submission by e-mail to

© Copyright SELEDA Ethiopia,  July 2000.   All Rights Reserved.