Monday March 10 2025            July, August Double Issue

A Web Site For The Young Ethiopian Professional.
    Volume II   Issue IV

Front Page
Table of Contents
Editors' Note
The Mail
My Story
Money and...
Imeri SuQé
Delala, NY Style
Thirty Questions
Selling Out
E Trade
The Hustle
The Profile
Corporate Arbegna
The 25K Challenge
A Kiss Without...
Top 10
MBA Woes
Do The Right Thing
Hamsa Lomi:
Back Page

We haven't much time for the usual chitchat because we are in the middle of a hasty packing job on our way to Toronto. Upper management needs rescuing. If you are reading this from the soccer tournament (you know, on your laptop by the kitfo stand) look to your left by the Tube Tops and Belly Rings stand… iza gar, and there you will see the SELEDA dinqwan. Yep, the Burgundy one with velvet ropes around it, with a burly wendata bouncer at the front checking your pedigree. And never mind the vociferous little crowd holding a Twaff vigil a few feet back (well, the restraining order says 50 feet, but we won't squabble about a few feet here and there.) And definitely ignore the signs they're carrying. "SELEDA is the new Imperialism"!! Yeah, right. If we were Imperialist worth our salt wouldn't we have bigger thrones at the VIP section of katanga ? Well, wouldn't we?

Anyway, upper management is already there, as we mentioned, and will be easy to spot, for those of you who want to abetuta in person. Look for the only people walking around with their mignons scuttling about in front of them throwing rose petals in their pathway. Hmm. That might mistake them for the St. Joseph crowd and their cute l'il harems. Well, look out for the only group drumming their fingers to Led Zepplin who then go into full-fledged mesheneT when "Stairway to Heaven" comes on. There. That should let you zero in on them.

Welcome to the Business, Finance and Money issue! Wait, a year and some months and no one has yet to figure out why the heck we at SELEDA are a dot com. Really, not that we thrive on logic or nuthin', but have you ever wondered why we are a dot com except for the good ol' reason: sir ye-sedede gura ?

Meaning, we like just like saying SELEDA. Com. As in, "Bartender, I am with SELEDA.Com. I assume drinks are on the house." Or, "SELEDA.Com is picking up my tab for the hotel room and all incidentals. Eh? What porn? What do you mean do they pay for the porn, too? Lemme see that bill." And our favorite: "Babe, I'm with SELEDA.Com. You wanna see my editorial pen? Heh… Heh…" Imagine how wimpy all that would sound with Ayhonima! Ayamirim!

Where were we…? Ah, welcoming you to this issue. Welcome. And God knows we always genuflect at every issue's contributors' feet, but we would like to extend special thanks to this issue's writers. They agreed to ridiculously tight deadlines and demands, and we are eternally grateful for their professionalism and utmost tibibr. (Go on, say it… "demo siyaskoninu! " Awwww. C'mon we are all ye-Esu lidjoch. Amen, Amen, awon, awon. Nod understandingly.)

Bottom line, we are bawled over by the Finance Crew! Yeah, we think they have a contract out on us and our first borns, but that only means they've joined a very elite group. Thank you all for making this a most poignant, informative (ah, we can finally use that word and not get all giggly) and fun issue. May your stocks rise. May your portfolios ke inflation ayn yisewer.

We hope our readers will enjoy the diverse nature of the articles. We can't tell you how pleasantly surprised we were to discover so many Ethiopians perched up there on the Corporate zufan. Makes us proud, and we hope you shall be dutifully wowed too. Of course we look forward to hearing your thoughts and reactions, so send us your comments, hopefully while you are under the influence of… foreign substances.

Hmm. Is there anything new this issue…? Well, we barely scathed through one editorial meeting since June is usually when upper management avoids venturing out of its perfectly air-conditioned and sun guarded fiefdom. ("Do you know what UV Rays can do to this skin?") So, we couldn't brainstorm in the style with which we have become accustomed.

Oh. We are delighted to announce the return of "The Mail" feature now that the inter-department skirmish that flared up between the Mail Editors and the Computer Mesafint s has abated.

Not that we want to drag you into this at all, but briefly we think this was what happened: The Computer people wanted to take over the Mail people's offices. The Mail people screamed "Ere baki, yemin t'ibit !" The Computer people are like "It's only for a while until the Ralph Lauren "Suede" paint dries in our offices." Yadda, yadda. (They are like children, these two.) The Mail people said "No Dice". After several rowdy and distastefully macho "you-wanna-step-outside"s and "you-want-a-piece-of-me"s, the Marketing people thankfully intervened. High level talks ensued in neutral territory (the cafeteria.) And, yadda, yadda some screwy détente. The Mail people announced they are going back to work…Sorry we are sans any juicy details. We lost interest in the first few hours of this mess.

And what else is new..?? Ah, the little matter of this being a double issue. Yeah. Did we forget to mention that? Well, no good time like the present: This is a double issue. No, SELEDA readers, we won't try pulling last year's "we need to spend time with family" prank on ya. The truth is, none of our family members want to spend any time with us. We've really come to terms with that little piece o' reality. However, this being summer, and summer having a sluggish effect on us, we want to take a much-needed yet wholly undeserved break. Time to rejuvenate ourselves and the few remaining brain cells before we come at you full steam in the Fall. So, hope you miss us, 'coz we sure will miss you.

Speaking of mess, we are gotta go. Just got SOS orders from upper management to see how much it'll cost us to buy out all the other l'il stands around the SELEDA dinquwan. "Entirely too many pedestrians passing by us. It's humiliating."

Duty calls. Happy reading, and drop us a note on SELEDA Honchos sightings in Ter-on-tew. See you in the Fall for the Diaspora/Exile Issue. And remember to go into our Hamsa Lomi feature to find out about upcoming issues. We are always looking for writers and ideas. Don't make us come after you because, you know, bloodbaths are so not sightly.

The Humble Editors.

© Copyright SELEDA Ethiopia,  July 2000.   All Rights Reserved.