Top ten most frequent ferenj remarks overheard at Ethiopian restaurants
10. "I'd love to hang that beautiful topless tribal woman in my bedroom."
9. "Noooo, Richard, that is not a napkin."
8. "Doro what?"
7. "Look hun, they give colored injera to the colored folks."
6. "The chicken or the egg?"
5. "Don't mind what the menu says, Bob; behind every 'authentic' ethnic cuisine in America is a hispanic cook."
4. "If you thought it was hot going in..."
3. "WATER! For the love of God, Gimme some WATER!"
2. "What do you mean 'you eat the silverware'?"
1. "We have a vegetatrian who loves exotic seasonings, a meat-lover who can't stand hot spices, a spice-lover who can't stop picking his nose... and you say we have to have a communal tray?"
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