
ESG 2001
brown midriff, tattoos, piercings
wild hair, wide eyes
big white Ethiopian smiles
(is it me, or do they grow
the new tewlid taller -
but not necessarily better?)
platform sandals, toe rings
painted-on jeans, and neTelas
worn as cross-your-heart bras
(is it me, or did someone forget
to tell these doe-eyed does
that it's a stadium, a sport game
and not a fashion show?)
testas on the fields
tereba on the seats
tifozos actually watching the field?
players actually havin' skills?
(is it me or are we actually
getting good at this whole thing?)
samboosas, sodas, water
go for $2 each
snapped up by the brown sugar crowd
and the aged alike
entered here for $5 today
$10 on Ethiopia day
and $7 on the Finale day
a captive audience, spilling green paper
like it DOES grow on the eucalyptus
scenting California's Addis-style air
used to come to rub shoulders
with a city-full of people like me
sendeQ-alama on a towel
on a gangsta-rappa-style bandana
on a t-shirt
with a new style guramayle
E(t in Ge'ez) YO (P in Ge'ez) YA
who else but we can string this together
and read it like it makes sense
read it like it means home
read it like it's code
meant for only our Ethiopian eyes?
two women, near kiosk # 31
fall into a teary embrace
crying over memories spoken
into the thunder of others' bliss
into the strangely soothing cacophony
of muziQa - new, old, old-new
into the din of English-punctuated AmariNa
and AmariNa-punctuated English
pint-sized Ethio-Americans
wearing shemma, wide eyes filled
with a glimpse
of what should have been theirs 13-months a year
instead of a snapshot once every 365 days
and i?
i came hoping
hoping to see
hoping to be seen
hoping to find...
to link me back
to anchor me
to let me fly
to set me free
to hold me still
to let me see
but mostly
i came hoping -
just hoping
and took back a snapshot
of beautiful imperfections
chaotic heaven
frightening-delighting images
with me.