Editors' Note
My Story
Maritu ...
Do you like it ...
Brush with Fame
Seleda Berenda
Language of Love
Confession ...
Menelik Times
Legalize Lust
FqrE's Ode
Top Ten
Do The Right Thing

We have it from reliable authority that in the grand old days of early 1900’s Ethiopians were more liberal about things sexual. While we can’t find any references to the use of the word "wesib", we have however, been lucky enough to run into this little gem of a book.

Need to know what it took to have a "Cn gered"? Read the book.

Speaking of Cn gereds, those of you who might have an old grandma or so who can still remember those Cn gered times can tell you that the title is a masterpiece of understatement. While comforting both Cns of the local grandee was her secondary responsibility, the Cn gered was an institution of a de facto second wife, a comfort woman who was also expected to manage the roving household when the master was on a trip or a military campaign. So usually it was the wife who carefully selected her for the job. At the very least the wife has to approve of her as the choice. Wife usually instructs Cn gered on the whats and the hows of getoch’s preferences — be it culinary or carnal. Getoch gets one for the home and one for the road. ImEte knows getoch is with a known commodity. Cn gered (usually a widow) knows she gets rewarded both materially and in social standing. Everybody wins.

Now, how to get this custom started for all the road warriors of today started? A wife minding the home in Southfield, Michigan. A "Cn serateNa" (the word gered ain’t PC no more), for those extended trips to a maquiladora assembly plant in Guadalajara, Mexico. Ahhhh … a blissful vision….

OK, back to the book… or rather the back of the book where the commercial ad and the poetry of the times need no embellishment.

Enjoy these snippets. If possible, buy the book. Yours truly got a copy at a store in Berkeley, CA. Or you can contact the publishers, Africa Sun Publishing at P.O.Box 21365, Oakland, CA 94620, and help an Ethiopian business

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