
Top Ten Best Things about Being Ethiopian
- 364 days to sin
one day of "MTs getayE" to be absolved.
- Two and a half degrees of separation from someone with a Doctorate.
- All the proof we need for a fact
"indesu ylalu ingidih".
- We can speak ill of the dead as long as we suffix it with a "nefsachwin ymarew-nna".
- Hypochondria is not a disease. ("JerbayE lie siCHefr adere" and "Ke zih betach yenE aydelem".)
- Peace loving people: Brrd and inqifat hit us, but we never hit back.
- We believe that without Amharic words, the English language would be worthless: "Different alew", "mn hear arek" "trafeek wusT stuck arekuN", "take care yaregunal" "be careful hoon".
- We can hold seven hour conversations on how the ferenjies trimmed off the top of Dashen in a conspiracy to make Mount Everest the highest mountain, hence depriving Ethiopia of more greatness.
- The line between an enemy and a friend
what line?
- Convinced that the Italians are keeping the Obelix cause, ever since Adwa, they dont got nothing of their own that is that big or erect!