From: Dagmawi
To: Seble
Subject: Life Diaries --- Primary Thrust
Dear Seble,
I noticed from your choice of email addresses that you were as sick and tired of being pestered to
do this damn LD exchange. On my part, a certain editor had harangued me about this exchange
for coming on what seems an eternity (I exaggerate, of course, it has only been one or two
lifetimes!) that I had no option but to agree (if for no other reason but to force her to cease
threatening to reveal deep, dark childhood secrets).
I don't seem to recall exactly what our entire exchange is to be about (these things seem to have a
preordained life --- I believe this series was to be about food and drink), but that is not a bad
thing altogether. If you would like to stick to that subject, I have no objection waxing poetically
about sustenance. If not, I get the distinct impression that we will not be at a loss for subjects on
which to exchange strong ideas.
Some alternative topics you may wish to dissect:
· Work ( and all of its associated pains)
· Books (I am an eclectic reader, but I have a certain affection/affliction for historical non-fiction and espionage novels. Incidentally, the book I am currently reading falls a little
outside of this category. It is titled, "The Evil That Men Do", and it's a series of real-life case
studies from the files of the FBI's principal Sexual Crimes Profilers. I must tell you, I got
some strange reactions the other day from fellow passengers on a flight to Dallas when I was
totally engrossed in this interesting, graphic, and quite disturbing book.)
· Love/Sex/Marriage (need I say more….)
· Films
· Music (Amharic, Jazz, Blues, Classical)
· Food
· Travel
· …. and the list goes on.
Eagerly awaiting your response, I remain,
From: Seble
To: Dagmawi
Subject: Rhythmic LDs: I see your Primary Thrust and raise you a Secondary Plunge
Dear Dagmawi-not to be confused with the Webmaster-
It must be the water they drink at Seleda. You see, my friend, editrix pal of mine roped me into
this using highly sophisticated, morally corrupt tactics which could make the sex crimes stories
you are reading seem like a Broadway musical. Zmm new. Plus, as she has made it painfully
obvious on many an occasion, she will actually hesitate not more than a few seconds before
airing MY skeletal past.
Lenegeroo, I was expressly told that this was NOT about Food or Drink. It takes so little to
confuse me, Dag. Is it? And can you really wax poetic about eating for FIVE entries? Wait a
minute. Of course you can. You are reading "The Evil Men Do".
That said, if you don't mind, maybe we could wing our entries. Don't function well under
captivity. Let's leave the subject(s) open--- although the morbid fascination with the book you
are reading might just be my unraveling.
My only other request is that we get this baby rolling soon. I am in the middle of getting ready
for a long overdue vacation, and the sooner I get Editrix off my back, the sooner I will be able to
concentrate on trying to plan the darn thing. (we allowed to say "darn", Dag?)