From: Dagmawi
To: Seble
Subject: I respond to your Secondary Plunge with a Tertiary Parry
Dear Seble,
Far be it from me to hold you back from planning a much-needed vacation. I am actually
envious --- I truly feel a vacation is called for myself.
I just came back from spending an obscene amount of time in the mother country, so I do get a
few raised eyebrows when I mention the fact that I am in need of a vacation from those people in
the know (I believe that that is a Pavlovian response --- ABET QINAT!) Honestly, though, all of
that joie-de-vivre and enthusiasm that I had accumulated during my travels has totally
evaporated. Hence, my need for an extended vacation, and my morbid fascination with sexual
crime profilers (actually, there is no connection but I needed a segue.....)
The book I mentioned (The Evil That Men Do) is a little outside of my normal reading genre, but
it has turned out to be quite a good read (if I may be so bold as to appeal to your prurient sense
of curiosity, do pick up a copy). While at times a bit graphic and disturbing, it is an excellent
collection of case studies. One resounding take-away --- nearly all (but one)sexual crimes are
committed by white males. The only exception (at least that is known of) was the character in
Atlanta who kidnapped and killed 30+ young black boys.
The morbid fascination that I have had with the book has primarily been from the perspective of
an objective third-party observer (trust me...) --- What drives an individual to such depths of
depravity? Is it more of a socio-economic adaptation, or is it a vestige of our more savage,
prehistoric existence? I am totally lost when I attempt to put these psychopaths' actions in the
context of my own upbringing and culture (and, I assume, yours). I have yet to hear about an
Ethiopian sexual deviant of this magnitude --- Christ, we have serious reservations about fellatio,
let alone S&M, sexual asphyxia, sexual mutilation, hard-core fetishes, etc. (If you have any
insight on this anomaly, please share...)
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate and salute an individual's right to experiment, but some of these
characters really cross the boundary. What are your thoughts on the subject???
By the by, I apologize if this turned out a bit heavier than you expected. I was taking a break
from doing some financial analysis at work, and my mind was in a pent-up state. I hope I
haven't scared you off --- my impression was that you would be the sort to retaliate in full!
From: Seble
To: Dagmawi
Subject: Is the fourth prodding the charm?
I was in the middle of reading an inexcusably dreary work-related document, so, trust me, your
treatise on sexual deviants was a welcome distraction--- although, I am not sure if it was a
twinge of disappointment or relief that I felt when you mentioned that this kinda reading is
"outside of [your] normal reading genre". :) The problem with a lot of us is that we don't venture
out of our intellectual shells, so, bravo.
Coincidentally, Dagmawi, I have been recently asking myself questions like "how much evil am
I capable of?" (You and me, Dagi… we thrust to the same music.) I have been thinking about
this in the Ethiopian context-yes, my upbringing. A relative of mine is doing a bio on one of the
more famous revolutionaries of 1974, and some of the tidbits she has uncovered about this man
have been sending her into spirals of depression and shock. Seemingly, he was from a normal
background-- decent education, cute wife, cuter children-but then the pebbled path of a
conventional life capriciously (or is it?) breaks into this 6-lane highway of murder and mayhem.
How? Why?
Dagmawi, when all's said and done, do I have the potential to buy into the same evil franchise?
Sweet little me? Do you? Sweet little you. What exigency could trigger it? Poverty? Politics?
Love? Obsession? Survival? Revenge?
Granted, I might not have the wherewithal to hack off anyone's extremities-if for naught, the
CHewa in me might leave a note of apology on the victim's bed, "Sorry I went a little off kilter
about hacking off more than a decorous length of your wrist. No hard feelings, I am sure you
know. Cocktails tomorrow at 7? Love, Seble."-- but I wonder if the little every-day cruelties we
immunize ourselves against do not furtively plant seeds of deeper depravity in our souls, and
eventually someone will write about us, and we end up in someone's lap on a flight to Dallas
being read about in morbid fascination.
Hmm. I just hope it's a nice lap.
Or, is evil and the potential to be evil an affliction of those who are weak, therefore, and thereby
preemptively exempting those of us who believe we are strong?
…"When the weak want to give an impression of strength they hint menacingly at their capacity
for evil. It is by its promise of a sense of power that evil often attracts the weak." - Eric Hoffer
I like that better.
"I have yet to hear about an Ethiopian sexual deviant of this magnitude…" I have. All the men
and women in the motherland who mutilate their little girls by circumcising them… all the
fallout of baby girls being wed off and left to labor 3-4 days alone while their premature, 11-year
old wombs refuse to oblige… the honor associated with meTelfing a girl child… the
innumerable cases of rape we take for granted. It's just that no one has written about them… yet.
Dag… I need a back rub.
p.s. I love the way you say, "cordially yours". I have not heard that in a while. Pedigreed?