From: Dagmawi
To: Seble
No subject
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone.
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone.
Silence the pianos and with muffled
drum Bring
out the coffin, let the mourners come. - Auden
Dearest Seb-Seb,
Alas, it is with very heavy heart and somber verse that I sit to pen my last entry in this engaging
exchange. I was on my way out of the office, when I received your latest message, and I had to
fight (no, repulse) the urge to let my response wait until the morrow. I confess, although the
urge nearly overpowered my sensibilities, I am staying at work a little longer to respond to you.
For starters, my anecdote was meant to illustrate that I too had been baited, not that I had 'dis-verged" an azmari. If it did happen (which it did not to the best of my recollections), I must not
have been that "trite" for she remembered the experience, didn't she (although I do not)?
You will have to forgive me for my presumption, but from the tone and cadence of your
writings, I would have assessed you to have been more of a liberal Democrat than a reformed
Republican. "Compassionate Conservatism" is a sly word-play used by Republicans to
camouflage their ever-growing tendencies/attempts at becoming less right-leaning and appear
more to the center. Your treatises on the protection of humankind and the abolition of
despotism/female subjugation are more befitting a left-leaning 21st century revolutionary than a
reformed conservative (Al Gore rather than Dubya). That would be, however, an oversimplified
view of the broad political spectrum, and would obviously be unjustly pigeonholing a worldly
intellectual of your caliber.
I am perplexed that you would assume that I am even remotely in favor of any barbaric act that
inflicts unnecessary pain/alteration on one of my favorite parts of the female anatomy. Yes, the
act is barbaric; yes, the practitioners are barbaric; admittedly, even the culture is barbaric. That
is, however, a strongly held view that would probably not be shared by those that have been
actively practicing this mutilation for centuries. I don't disagree that, from any "civilized"
individual's viewpoint, this is a totally unnecessary act of deprivation that cannot be justified.
However, it is somewhat naive, in my view, to assume that someone in the nether regions of East
Africa is going to just up and stop this practice because a few UN/World
Bank/Greenpeace/WHO/whatever "compassionate conservatives" suddenly decide that this is
their "issue du jour". Incidentally, the same could be said about male circumcision --- some
cultures view it as de rigueur, while others frown on it. The medical benefits are questionable,
and yet the debate continues. Whilst I was very young when I was "practitioned" upon, I must
assume that it hurt and probably did not serve any practical purpose. And yet, I have to evaluate
the action vis-a-vis the culture I was born into, and arrive at the conclusion that under the
circumstances, there could not have been any recourse.
Beka -- ere yetabatachew? Qooretoo bibaloo bebila man'alechew? Yachin yemeselech ye
desta minch minqoreten bilew new yeminekuat? You have just won a life-long disciple to the
eradication of Ginsu-toting circumcisers (sic?). And with regards to "begging for your
forgiveness", I will be the first to say that if I have ever (advertently or inadvertently)
clipped/scratched/bitten any individual and caused irreparable harm, I apologize from the bottom
of my generous heart. 'Nuff said.
Wede quoom negeru --- could you have actually missed any opportunity to slip in a double-entendre in your last missive? How you could actually bridge from lambasting me about my
sanguine assessment to "nuts" and "long ride" was beyond me. Nonetheless, I did thoroughly
enjoy reading your passages and must admit that this exercise was not as bad as I thought it
would be. This by no stretch of the imagination is meant to be construed as either admiration of
the editors/editorial content or permission to ask me to do is again.
My one regret is that we got stuck on the mutilation theme and did not explore your oral fixation
to any large degree. That is probably best left to another medium...
Best of luck to you, my dear pen pal, and do understand that all views expressed on this station
are meant for entertainment purposes only. If you ever do make it to that island with Gilligan
and Abiy, please inquire if Ginger, Amaretch, or any of the lassies will be there and I may make
a short trip out to see you.
Ke'ifoyta gar,
PS: By the by, I am still deciphering your last aphorism and attempting to understand whether I
have been complimented or slighted. Once I have made that determination, the appropriate
response is guaranteed to follow. As the male ahiya said to the female ahiya, "Yeqerew yiqeral
inji, irgCHaw mindinew?"
From: Seble
To: Dagmawi
Subject: The Hushed Sigh of a Contented Woman
Dearest Dag-Dag---
I am sure you have had more compelling indiscretions than having, maybe-maybe-not, "dis-verged" an azmari. (There is that wafer thin pedigree in you rearing its head again.) I did get the
point of the story, by the way, but I appreciate you hammering it in nonetheless. I have learnt the
hard way, Dagisha, not to mess with what a man thinks about his virility, so, the main thing is
that she remembered yours after all those years. Makes a woman wonder…
I would like to think of my political bent more as a Liberated Democrat. Come tax season I
transform into a right-of-Ralph Reed republican… and then when my new allies try to legislate
what I do to whom in the privacy of my bedroom/bathroom/kitchen floor, I swing to left of an
ACLU bed-wetting liberal. Sintun wedo, Daggiye? (You would be surprised at the number of
States which still consider fellatio illegal. Trust me… in many States you would be a fellow
fellatio felon.) But I find over-simplistic talk of political parties boring, so I will move on.
I was trying to figure out what my favorite part of your epistles has been, and I found it! Hands
down, your "*I* was circumcised and you don't hear ME whining about it!" argument about the
parity of male and female circumcision rendered me motionless for several minutes (and you
KNOW how fidgety I am!). You, my dear, are too precious, and I am loving your bait with every
bite I take. Like the miskin/lucky azmari, I hope you at least remember me when, years later, I
write to you reminding you how, in one clean swipe, YOU dis-verged ME with that argument!
Aahhh, the "How does that affect ME?" syndrome. Credo quia absurdum est.
While you were scouring azmari houses in Addis, dusting off dossiers of women whom you
might/might not have de-or-re-flowered, I, on my last trip, took a quick excursion to the west
with some friends who, although not with Greenpeace, work for a similarly lefty organization
you frown upon. They were on a project/study regarding female genital mutilation. Dag, once
you see how many medium sized Qils of blood a little girl bleeds after circumcision, you, too,
would not care if it was Hitler/UNESCO/UN/World Bank who is making this an issue du jour.
What we didn't talk about is the culpability of the matrons in these villages who strap their
daughters' and sisters' hands to the misesso of a hastily-converted circumcising hut, and scream
out obscenities at screaming girls in excruciating pain. Now, who has blood on their hands?
Literally and figuratively?
I realize I have a pen in my mouth as I am writing you this entry, so you might just be right that I
harbor fixations that are oral. Astute, Dag, very astute of you, even through this obscure
medium. Man, no wonder azmari woman remembered YOU! Iness, I can attribute it to having
stopped smoking three months ago. What's your excuse for *your* fixation?
Unlike you, my dear ET-style afegfagi, MY views expressed on this forum are NOT just for the
express use of entertainment. Why do we Ethiopians add caveats and apologize for our thoughts?
Heck no. Not this ET. I meant every word. If I weren't so lazy I would go back to read and then
conjecture on what you said was in jest and what was sincere. You, my dear Dagmawi, would
be in the Time-Out Corner at Simplicity 101 class (you may or may not be wearing the Dunce
Cap depending on how charming you are in real life). The AOL 6.0 package is all-inclusive… it
doesn't just refer to simplifying life materially, but also mentally. The only exception to the rule
is the license to double entendre to one's heart's content. Flirtation, Dag, is a dying art. Another
thing I blame on men…. Youse either don't get it, or take it too seriously. Oh, I could speak
volumes on that "dooldoom edge" flirtation saber of ET men.
Have we really come to an end or is this a case of you finishing early? Tish, tosh. Don't worry,
Daggie, it happens to all men… or so I have heard.
Yours truly,
p.s. "Best of luck to you, my dear pen pal"????? Look into my big, brown, dibul-bul eyes and
tell me that was not trite.