The Blaming Game of Love!
by: Fiqr Sellasie
The Love Issue is a mistaken theme and misplaced subject for Ethiopians in
sidet. Yes, let the cynical and the pessimist speak.
You may also want to add to that I no longer believe in love. I don't believe
in it because of the Ethiopian women I have met, and the women my friends or
those who I know have met. There is no love in the lives of Ethiopians outside
of Ethiopia
I hear you
"Ere yemanew degemo" . Which is exactly
my point! We have a tendency to avoid reality and shut our eyes and ears to
the truth
. in this case, to the non-existence of love. I rant from experience:
love has no place in our community especially for those of us who are young,
professionals, and Ethiopians.
As an angry, frustrated, dateless, wife-less (fill in the dots)
tall, young and professional Ethiopian male, I will argue the death of love.
I will argue who the responsible party is for its death. I will argue for the
remedy or t'amir for its resuscitation.
Yes. I know. I know I started by saying love does not exist, and now I am prescribing
a remedy... Please do not hold me liable for anything I say since this issue
agitates me. The depravation of love from one's life guarantees to produce a
person like me.
Back to my point. I don't seek nor I am concerned with political correctness.
I don't think I won't offend someone. As a precaution, I hope you know I will
appear utterly illogical and irrational on my discussion of love.
Very many of us will be sharing this Valentine's Day with no one. I will be
alone. This Valentine's day will be like any other day
drinking, watching
TV, or hanging out with the boys.
Whose fault is this? I'll get to that.
Not just on February 14, but every day there are countless eligible, lonely
Ethiopian bachelors singing "Neye Neye Y'hagere Lij"
in every Ethiopian café and bar. We have become alcoholics. Whose fault
is it? Who is responsible for the increasing sense of despair, hopelessness
and self -destruction of the Ethiopian male, who is otherwise a highly productive
member of society? Who is driving many men to go back home, across the oceans,
to bring a girl here in hopes of finding FQr, just to learn that
her old FqreNa is waiting in the background, ready to re-claim
Who is to be blamed for the mental illness of many Ethiopian men?
It is not racism, or language
it is none of all the constrains of life
in sidet.
How is it that Ethiopian WOMEN have become so very materialistic and mean spirited?
Why is it that they come out firing at us from the onset? I speak from the heart
of a man who has been taken advantage of, robbed of his childhood, his wealth,
his dignity and self-esteem because of LOVE by an Ethiopian girl who can't love
by herself, and is instead guided, advised, counseled by her friends. Her friends
who are women and Ethiopian.
I am very well aware that Seleda's Love Issue is not a medrek
to vent one's frustration, or spew personal vendetta. Nevertheless, I have a
point to make, and I will make it with the reason of an angry man. I will make
it with the reason of a man who is in pain. The pain of unrequited love. It
is a pity disclaimer. I know.
Our women get off the plane and arrive in this " land of the free",
and they change and adjust their attitude to adopt to materialistic success.
They learn well from their Ferenj counterparts. They learn ideas
and theories of "feminism". And not-so-subtly, they change everything
about themselves until no one can recognize them. We Ethiopian men are not blameless.
But Ethiopian women destroy love more than we men do since they are in the position
of accepting or rejecting our love. We? We have no say in the matter.
"Our women" (I hope they don't get offended at that title), instead
of also learning about individuality and self-defining ways of what makes feminism
our "feminists" wretchedly always seek the advice, direction, and
approval of their friends in selecting and rejecting lovers. In order to be
loved by a certain Ethiopian girl, one has to impress, be loved and accepted
by all her friends. Our women have unlearned to go for the man they love and
respect. The man with the right car, the man who her friends love, the man who
will satisfy her family's expectations, that man will win over the rest of us.
Our Ethiopian women gripe that we talk too much, we lie too much
we can't
keep relationships secret. As the song by Muhommed Ahmed a while back states,
if a man's love is not open, visible for people to hear and see, what is the
point of being loved? But our women don't believe in that anymore. I assume
the reason is that Ethiopian women are always waiting for a better man to come
along. And when that day comes
Meanwhile, I will wait patiently for the resurrection of Love.