by: Lello
my senses are laced with a thin burgundy colored satin lining
your color reminds me of grapes.
not the seedless, and effortlessly sweet ones.
i labored to peel off the scales
and skin
of your emotions
but you wouldn't let me.
and the sense,
the taste of my emotions on your buds dissipated into oblivion.
Never ever mattered.
like the tastelessness of a fortune cookie.
your banquet of aromas perfume my being
with the seductive undertone of spring magnolia,
with the freshness of lemon in the summertime,
with the festive overtones of roasted chestnuts in the fall,
the Sudden
Stillness running deep in the inexorable winter.
your touch on my buds, and mine on yours, feels like snow,
an emblem that survived within my grasp until weathered by my warm blood.
And when i hear from you,
as i seldom do,
my pelvis sways as your satin-silk-like vocal chords play the tune
of a song,
a merciless song,
resounding in my imprisoning attic of secrets called my memory,
and future memories,
reminding me of your verdict that you will never love me