Note from the Editors:
There is as much useful information in this column as there are CHnQ mychilu setoch in boot camp. But we write it anyway because of meTfo limaad
Our Favorite Mail
According to minefesew werE, we are malicious, dimwitted, primordial dufesses. Ya-ah! It just happens that we are the ones manafess-ing that werE
My Story: If the glove fits, don't acquit. Someone has to believe in and defend the concept of Soul Mates. We shore glad it ain't us
On Choices: : It is the men's turn. What do they want and when do they want it? The inside scoop
Unrequited: Is it true what they say about yetesereQe fQr?
Faccetta Nera: When 'Tiye Alemitu talks about her love affair from years gone by, everyone listens. Waaaa! Listen!
Wushima: 'nuff said.
Spare Some?: v Spare Some? Now this is the 21st Century version of mezeker! It's raining men on 18th Street
The Date: How can you improve on perfection? You look for a better-looking woman...
Chifera Bet Rules: What kind of times do we live in when simply saying "Ke Amerika meTahu" won't get the chicks lined up back home?
Inkbl: Addicted to love.
Koredda Primer ( Feminism schmenism ) : The ultimate guide to being the perfect woman for the imperfect man. 1945-2001. Does time stand still or what?
Burgundy: Love in poetry
30 Questions: "The (Cyber) Love Boaatttt The (Cyber) Love Boatttt Come log on, we're expecting youuuuuuu"
Fatuma: : A love poem to the woman who first made us breath "Yichalal!"
Nefs: Confessions of an educated DuriyE
SELEDA Bawza: : The problem with Ethiopian women is that they are Ethiopian Women: A Vent.
Keeping Her Secret: Some people break up by choice. Others break up because they have to ...
As Bolé Turns, Part 3: : The not-so young and the clueless
Top Ten: Things you shouldn't say when you are making love
Backpage: Scenes of Love.
SELEDA Berenda: The visual and the poetic arts converge in love.
To Love or Not to Love.: Is it fear of rejection? Or self absorption?
Do The Right Thing: Love with your pocket.